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Throttle Control in ERJ145...


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I'm getting frustrated and I'm hoping someone has a fix for this already but I can't get my engines to obey any control inputs of mine.  I put the joystick (Saitek X52) to full thrust and I get about 80% if I manage to get the erj airborne by the time I get to FL150 the engines are down to 60% n1.  Then when I land they won't reduce throttle even after disconnecting the AP.  I think I'm programming the FMC correctly as I'm doing what I've done before without problems.  However this new install that I have hasn't worked well from the beginning.  I have to shut the engines down as soon as I touchdown so I can stop.  What am I doing wrong?  And sorry if this has been asked before and I just couldn't find the answers.  Thanks



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I think I fixed it.  I checked the configurator and it was saying that it was looking for a GF-FMC which I don't have and that seems to have done it.  My throttles so far have obeyed my input and I'm climbing.  We'll see what happens at the end of the flight but so far so good.

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