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X55 Issue

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Hi guys, i hope you are all well. 


My other half bought me the Saitek X55 a month or so ago and I routed it through FSUICP as i do with my other products like rudder pedals etc and it worked really well for a few weeks and all of a sudden it stopped working and sure enough FSUIPC wasn't seeing it any longer so i restarted FSX and FSUIPC didn't pick it up at all and hasn't done since and is no longer in the ini file but FSX does pick it up for around 10-15 minutes and then it also lost sight of it but the Saitek software always has sight of it and can always use the calibration software.  


I got in touch with Saitek and they sent me some beta drivers along with suggesting i bought a powered USB which i did but to no affect. My other controllers are all working fine and i have the selective suspending turned off and all the power management boxes unchecked on all my USB devices so i'm at a bit of a brick wall now and don't know what else to try. Any idea's or has anyone else suffered with this with he X55? 


Any suggestions are appreciated. I'm running Windows 8.1 with FSX and FSUIPC v4.939e.

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My other half bought me the Saitek X55 a month or so ago and I routed it through FSUICP as i do with my other products like rudder pedals etc and it worked really well for a few weeks and all of a sudden it stopped working and sure enough FSUIPC wasn't seeing it any longer so i restarted FSX and FSUIPC didn't pick it up at all and hasn't done since and is no longer in the ini file but FSX does pick it up for around 10-15 minutes and then it also lost sight of it but the Saitek software always has sight of it and can always use the calibration software.  


I got in touch with Saitek and they sent me some beta drivers along with suggesting i bought a powered USB which i did but to no affect. My other controllers are all working fine and i have the selective suspending turned off and all the power management boxes unchecked on all my USB devices so i'm at a bit of a brick wall now and don't know what else to try. Any idea's or has anyone else suffered with this with he X55? 


Any suggestions are appreciated. I'm running Windows 8.1 with FSX and FSUIPC v4.939e.


It's a common Windows 8 problem. I suspect there are ways of stopping it happening so frequently, Windows settings to turn power management off, things like that, should work, but I think there are some more harder-to-find settings.


And it may be fixed in the free upgrade to Windows 10, but we are still awaiting feedback on that. For some reason it seems to afflict Saitek devices much more than any others, although that might be just because there's a lot around.


Perhaps some other users can help. And you might try the Saitek support forum.


BTW, not that it'll make any difference in this matter, but the currently supported version of FSUIPC is 4.942.



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