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FSUIPC 4.99a... Pro Flight Switch pannel issue

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Pretty sure it was the prior version before 4.99a as I down loaded it on or about August 26th.

Is there any way I can get the prior version to 4.99a?


UPDATE: looking for FSUIPC version 4.939


I'm a bit surprised you have no knowlage of SPAD. SPAD is a set of after market Saitek drivers many have been using and it's been around for many years with the latest incarnation being SPAD.Next. 



SPAD: http://fstools.weebly.com/

SPAD.Next: http://fsgs.com/


At any rate if you can help me obtain the FSUIPC version 4.939 I'd be forever thankful.


Thanks again,

Edited by dfloth
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Pretty sure it was the prior version before 4.99a as I down loaded it on or about August 26th.



Assuming you mean 4.994a, the current version, the previous one was 4.944, released less than a week before. The last one released in August was 4.943, on the 15th August. The only changes between them are these


44. Support for a range of read-only offsets for the PMDG 777X data is added, sharing the same offset areas as the PMDG

737NGX data. A document is installed in FSUIPC Documents which lists all these. Note that, at the date of release,

this facility has not been fully tested so feedback is very welcome.


45. A recent error in the Lua display facilities, including the ipc.ask function, could result in unwarranted window re-draws

and/or early closures. This is now fixed.


Of those the first isn't working yet. I'm dealing with than now ready for the next release.


Is there any way I can get the prior version to 4.99a?


Not really. There's never any point in going backwards in any case. You need to work out what has changed. Can you not use any of FSUIPC's logging facilities to detect the problem?  I can help interpret the results of logging for you.


I'm a bit surprised you have no knowlage of SPAD.


I know OF "SPAD", but i do not know anything about what it does. There are hundreds of utilities and add-ons using FSUIPC. I don't have time to look into every one, and I don't use any Saitek devices. After all, lighting switches are rather basic and simple, there are easy FS controls ("events") to handle them. Are they not being sent?


It is really up to each add-on provider to test his own add-on. If they need assistance from me I can of course provide it, but I cannot fix other folks programs nor help with FSUIPC changes without knowing what I'm supposed to change or fix.



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Thanks for the help Pete..


Understand your stance on not going backward in your code.

But (and I'm just a casual FSX user & I'm aware you have many years into FSUIPC) I'd think it would be helpful to have access to a limited library of versions of FSUIPC as SPAD.Next is currently asking for their users to Download 4.939.


I will persue my issue with the folks of SPAD.


Thanks for all you have done and contiue to do for the Flight Sim community!


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... SPAD.Next is currently asking for their users to Download 4.939.


I will persue my issue with the folks of SPAD.


Yes -- and please do ask them to contact me if they believe there is something amiss with later versions. I can only fix things if i have information. They can reach me on petedowson@btconnect.com if they are averse to using the Forum. I don't mind working with developers off-forum.



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Yesterday I upgraded to 4.944a and lost the use of the lighting switches on my Pro Flight Switch Panel.

This is happening with Spad 5.1 and Spad.Next.


What aircraft are you using?


I just tested my Saitek Switch Panel with FSUIPC 4.944a and SPAD v0.5.1.  In both the default C172 and Carenado C172 all lighting, including panel lights worked as they should. 


The panel switch did not funciton correctly with the A2A C172. However, I had not tested this in any prior versions of FSUPIC4, so I can't say that it ever worked.  The reason being that I don't do night flights and therefore never use the panel lights.


I did notice that when using "Shift L", which is the FSX keyboard assignment, that the A2A panel lights have two brightnesses, which is certainly non-standard in that the FSX default is either ON or OFF.


If the aircraft you are flying has only one level of brightness, then you can assign the key combination specified in FSX to the switch.  My guess that it the switch is presently set to "FSUIPC Offset Change".

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I should have been more specific.. let's stick with the stock C172 for sake of conversation.


With SPADv 5.1 and FSUIPC 4.944a yes the Panel light switch does work however the rest of the lights do not operated independantly. (ie switching to landing lights alone).


Check this out and let me know if you experiance the same behavior.




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Hope this helps.


I should mention that I'm running MS FSX in DX9 mode and all of my switches in SPAD are set to "FSUIPC Offset Change".


With the alternator/battery switch OFF; Only the landing lights turn on/off. 

With the alternator/battery switch ON; The panel, beacon, nav, strobe, and landing lights work individually or in combination with the others.


The taxi lights never work, but I think that is because the default C172 wasn't modeled with taxi lights.


You could try assigning the FSX keyboard combination (Shift+L) to the landing light switch in SPAD setup.  That would allow you to bypass FSUIPC to verify that it's not a hardware problem.




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