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FSUIPC, FSX:SE - ground friction?

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This might be a very trivial issue, but I just can't figure it out at the moment...



Running FSUIPC 4.944a (unregistered) on FSX:SE (patch version: Sept. 8th, 2015) on Windows 10 (if that matters).


The dynamic ground friction script does not seem to initialize.


FSUIPC installed correctly and works in FSX:SE.


I've added

1=Lua DynamicFriction

to the bottom of the FSUIPC4.ini, which should be the correct procedure for activating the LUA script. FSUIPC, however, does not automatically add a [Lua] section.


When running FSX, I get the following in FSUIPC4.log:

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.944a by Pete Dowson *********
Reading options from "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside FSX Steam Edition on Windows 8.0
Module base=56170000
User Name=""
User Addr=""
FSUIPC4 not user registered
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
      156 System time = 12/09/2015 19:54:36
      156 FLT path = "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"
      188 Trying to connect to SimConnect Steam ...
      188 FS path = "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\"
      313 LogOptions=80000000 00000001
      313 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      313 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------
      313 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      313 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      313 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      313 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      313 --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
      313 --- All links checked okay
      313 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      313 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      313 Trying to use SimConnect Steam
     1422 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.62615.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.62615.0)
     1422 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     1422 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     1438 C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\Default.FLT
     1438 E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C208B\cessna208B_mod.air
    11656 Weather Mode now = Theme
    16313 E:\FSX Airplanes\Boeing 727-200ADV\tom727_mod_15.AIR
    16313 c:\users\administrator\documents\flight simulator x files\Previous Flight.FLT
    41110 System time = 12/09/2015 19:55:16, Simulator time = 12:52:27 (16:52Z)
    55828 Starting everything now ...
    57141 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
   112047 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 62 secs = 29.8 fps
   568110 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 446 secs = 29.8 fps

I've enabled the separate log for LUA plugins and enabled "debug/trace" LUA logs and quite and restarted FSX.

There is no indication whatsoever that the LUA script is executed and there are no LUA-related logs at all.


"DynamicFriction.lua" is present in [FSX root folder]\Modules.



What am I missing here?


Was LUA support axed from the unregistered version at one point?

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No. Plug-in support has only ever been available for registered users.


The 2012-ish threads, when the ground friction stuff was quite new, mostly mentioned that the scripts can be used with the unregistered version. Must've been false information.


Anyway, thanks for the reply. Was beginning to doubt my sanity.

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Read some old threads and found the other method to enable the modified friction values, i.e.




FSUIPC4.log now says:

 359 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained and basic values patched


That's probably what I should have been looking for in the first place.


Sorry for the confusion.

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