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Try to reinstall FSUIPC to P3D


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I installed P3d V2.5 to my PC with out any incedent. I  tried to install FSUIPC4.49944, I am keep geting "Fatal Error" warning. I realized Faulty Module Version number is not same  with 4999 version? 


Problem signature

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: Prepar3D.exe

Application Version: 2.5.12946.0

Application Timestamp: 555f2e54

Fault Module Name: FSUIPC4.dll

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 54354d4a

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 00014c16

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem

LCID: 1033

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Version 4.937 was released long ago, way before P3D version 2.5 was even thought of! You MUST check for the current supported version of FSUIPC before posting such reports. The current version, 4.944a, does support P3D 2.5, and previous versions have done since the day of its release!



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Pete, I checked and installed 4.944 and thought it will overwrite the 4.973. I was wrong it didnt happened


That is simply not true. The installer will only refuse to replace a LATER version, not an earlier one. If you are finding that isn't happening for you then the only possibility is that you are running an installation which is not Registered in the Windows registry, so the FSUIPC doesn't install there.


Show me the Install log file if you think there's something different going on.



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Pete. I deleted Modules files and deleted FSUIPC Icon on desktop


There's never any need to delete any files, and FSUIPC never puts an icon on the desktop!


I re boot my PC and redowloded the 4.944a to new "Modules" file



You download the FSUIPC installer to any working folder NOT the Modules folder! The Modules folder is created automatically by the Installer if it needs to be.



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