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I have assigned all the axes through Fsui PC, they are recognised, but I still wont get them to do what I set them to do in P3D V3

Do i need to remove all axes from P3D ? 


I do not find the manuals ? 

  On 10/7/2015 at 5:24 PM, CTVredvirus said:

I have assigned all the axes through Fsui PC, they are recognised, but I still wont get them to do what I set them to do in P3D V3

Do i need to remove all axes from P3D ? 


Yes, certainly you cannot have two programs both trying ot use the same axes!  As clearly stated, you need to disable controllers altogether (one checkbox) in the Sim if you are assigning anything in FSUIPC!


I do not find the manuals ? 



Manuals for what?


FSUIPC documentation is in the FSUIPC Documents folder, in the Sim's Modules folder, as clearly stated, with a list, in the Installation guide.



  On 10/7/2015 at 6:14 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Yes, certainly you cannot have two programs both trying ot use the same axes!  As clearly stated, you need to disable controllers altogether (one checkbox) in the Sim if you are assigning anything in FSUIPC!




Welcome back!… Guess I should've bet on the co-incidence of your vacation and the rollout of P3DvIII…grin

My understanding was that as long there as there was not a conflict(read duplication), are you could use FSUIPC AND certain non-conflicting P3D or FSX controls. Am I wrong here?


  On 10/7/2015 at 7:02 PM, Hesynergy said:

My understanding was that as long there as there was not a conflict(read duplication), are you could use FSUIPC AND certain non-conflicting P3D or FSX controls. Am I wrong here?


The problem has been that too often the Sim automatically re-assigns axes if it thinks they are newly connected. It does this according to pre-defined axis functions for known joystick types, which are defined in assorted fiiles. There was a way to stop it doing this, effectively by deleting the relevant entries in those files, but this is inherently unreliable and difficult, especially if the software is ever updated.


I honestly don't know if P3D is still doing this sort of thing, but certainly FSX and FSX-SE do. I suspect P3D v1 and v2 do too -- v3 might have changed. They seem to have changed a lot in this area.



  On 10/7/2015 at 6:14 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Yes, certainly you cannot have two programs both trying ot use the same axes!  As clearly stated, you need to disable controllers altogether (one checkbox) in the Sim if you are assigning anything in FSUIPC!


Where do i need to turn of the controllers from, thanks..


Manuals for what?


FSUIPC documentation is in the FSUIPC Documents folder, in the Sim's Modules folder, as clearly stated, with a list, in the Installation guide.



  On 10/9/2015 at 4:34 PM, CTVredvirus said:

Thre is one more thing, when i use FS2crew it requires to use buttons on kontroller to be able to use it, and if I disable all controllers in P3d, how will that work ? 


FSCrew is not FS. It will see whatever you assign wherever you assign it, won't it?


Otherwise this question is best directed to FS2Crew support. I'm afraid I don't know it.



  On 10/9/2015 at 8:44 PM, Pete Dowson said:

FSCrew is not FS. It will see whatever you assign wherever you assign it, won't it?


Otherwise this question is best directed to FS2Crew support. I'm afraid I don't know it.



I found them under Another name in FsuiPC with help from FS2crew, I was initialy looking for alternate static source on off and propeller sync on off, and they where not under A or P but under T, "Toggle"


So that is why I had trouble finding them


Thanks anyway.

  On 10/10/2015 at 8:14 AM, CTVredvirus said:

I found them under Another name in FsuiPC with help from FS2crew, I was initialy looking for alternate static source on off and propeller sync on off, and they where not under A or P but under T, "Toggle"


So that is why I had trouble finding them


Yes, some of the names aren't so easy -- this is why I provide a full list in the FSUIPC Documents folder so you can search by keywords. FSUIPC doesn't assign the names, the ones in its drop-down lists are those which FS actually uses -- the same ones recorded in the FS files saving any FS assignments. It gets the list automatically from FS's "CONTROLS.DLL" so that it will encompass any changes as FS developed.




Some more questions:


1: The pan view on my hat works but its not as soft as within the sim ?

2: How can I set the pan view on the mouse and zoom through scroll wheel ?

3: is there anyways to assign only the throttle through Fsuipc and leave the rest through the sim ? 



  On 10/10/2015 at 12:12 PM, CTVredvirus said:

1: The pan view on my hat works but its not as soft as within the sim ?


Did you assign it in Axis Assignments to PAN VIEW? If so, that is the same as assigning it in FS. The only difference might be the scanning rate,  You could try reducing the polling interval, but be careful -- the default has been chosen as the best compromise. (See the "PollInterval" parameter in the Advanced Users guide).


  On 10/10/2015 at 12:12 PM, CTVredvirus said:

2: How can I set the pan view on the mouse and zoom through scroll wheel ?


FSUIPC offers assorted mouse functions. Please see the documentation. Mouse zoom isn't affected by FSUIPC assignment in any case. You use the mouse look option on the mouse, not pan view.


3: is there anyways to assign only the throttle through Fsuipc and leave the rest through the sim ? 



Er ... why do you want to assign in FSUIPC in the first place?  Why ask such an odd question?


If you mix assignment places you have to accept that sometimes it will all go weird because FS and P3D make auto-assignments. If you don't need or want FSUIPC's joystick facilities, just do everything in P3D. I am now rather confused about what it is you are after? :-(

  On 10/10/2015 at 1:52 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Did you assign it in Axis Assignments to PAN VIEW? If so, that is the same as assigning it in FS. The only difference might be the scanning rate,  You could try reducing the polling interval, but be careful -- the default has been chosen as the best compromise. (See the "PollInterval" parameter in the Advanced Users guide).



FSUIPC offers assorted mouse functions. Please see the documentation. Mouse zoom isn't affected by FSUIPC assignment in any case. You use the mouse look option on the mouse, not pan view.



Er ... why do you want to assign in FSUIPC in the first place?  Why ask such an odd question?


If you mix assignment places you have to accept that sometimes it will all go weird because FS and P3D make auto-assignments. If you don't need or want FSUIPC's joystick facilities, just do everything in P3D. I am now rather confused about what it is you are after? :sad:


3: I have disabled all controllers, why I want to assign with FsuiPC is because I had troubles with my throttles, they could stop responding, or give me funny power settings, that is fixed through FsuiPC, and so I do not understand why it would be an odd question, I like the way everything else functions in P3D exept for my throttles, thats prettey simple.

In FSX i have no problem, therefore not using FsuiPC.


Pan view works fine except for upper right where as soon as i rlease the HAT it dosent stop there its going back to center possition.

And I can not zoom with the mouse, after i disabeld all controllers.


And again i have """disabled""" all controllers in p3d so there can not be mixing assignments, that was """simply""" a qustion if it could be done.

I supose this would be the Fsui PC support and so I turned here for help, instead I get a rather frustrated answer instead of of plain answers.


My questions where preety straight forward and could be answered simply with yes, you can do this or no that is not possible!


So with full respect, can just get my question answered instead of """why do I ask such a question""" """ it is obvious that i have "had" a certain problem" 


So what I´m after is:

Is it possible to: remove only the axes for the Throttles in P3D, but let it stear everything else and Leave FsuiPC in full command only of the Throttles?  



  On 10/7/2015 at 5:24 PM, CTVredvirus said:

3: I have disabled all controllers, why I want to assign with FsuiPC is because I had troubles with my throttles, they could stop responding, or give me funny power settings, that is fixed through FsuiPC, and so I do not understand why it would be an odd question, I like the way everything else functions in P3D exept for my throttles, thats prettey simple.


Well you can try. But you risk things going wrong in strange ways, axes conflicting because of FS/P3D auto-assignment. Maybe P3Dv3 no longer does this I don't know. Try. But I cannot support you with any problems this may cause.


P3Dv3 seems to have lots of Joystick problems itself in any case at present, judging by the reports on their forum.


Pan view works fine except for upper right where as soon as i rlease the HAT it dosent stop there its going back to center possition.



Hmm. I don't know what could cause that. Does it do the same with P3Dv3 assignment? All FSUIPC does is send the hat value as the parameter for the PAN VIEW control, exactly as FS/P3D assignment.


And I can not zoom with the mouse, after i disabeld all controllers.



Ah, you need to enable mouse look in FSUIPC.



And again i have """disabled""" all controllers in p3d so there can not be mixing assignments, that was """simply""" a qustion if it could be done.

I supose this would be the Fsui PC support and so I turned here for help, instead I get a rather frustrated answer instead of of plain answers.


My questions where preety straight forward and could be answered simply with yes, you can do this or no that is not possible!



So with full respect, can just get my question answered instead of """why do I ask such a question""" """ it is obvious that i have "had" a certain problem" 




Oh dear. What a strange reaction! :-(


I only thought it was an odd question because very few others ask this and without you explaining your particular problems there was no way for me to understand. There's surely nothing insulting or impatient in me thinking a question ass odd? Your reaction is way over the top and quite unwarranted.


There is no point me just answering just yes or no. You would have to then be so precise in your questions and not be interested in any ramifications or consequences. If you read through this forum you will see I always try to be as helpful as possible. Look at the thread so far. How would it have been if I'd answered just Yes or No to all of your questions?


I suspect will be very VERY reluctant to answer anything else from you. And especially not such a quick response -- you won't find such support in many other places!


Is it possible to: remove only the axes for the Throttles in P3D, but let it stear everything else and Leave FsuiPC in full command only of the Throttles?  



Yes of course. What's to stop you? Just don't come here for support.




  On 10/10/2015 at 2:38 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Well you can try. But you risk things going wrong in strange ways, axes conflicting because of FS/P3D auto-assignment. Maybe P3Dv3 no longer does this I don't know. Try. But I cannot support you with any problems this may cause.


P3Dv3 seems to have lots of Joystick problems itself in any case at present, judging by the reports on their forum.



Hmm. I don't know what could cause that. Does it do the same with P3Dv3 assignment? All FSUIPC does is send the hat value as the parameter for the PAN VIEW control, exactly as FS/P3D assignment.



Ah, you need to enable mouse look in FSUIPC.



Oh dear. What a strange reaction! :sad:


I only thought it was an odd question because very few others ask this and without you explaining your particular problems there was no way for me to understand. There's surely nothing insulting or impatient in me thinking a question ass odd? Your reaction is way over the top and quite unwarranted.


There is no point me just answering just yes or no. You would have to then be so precise in your questions and not be interested in any ramifications or consequences. If you read through this forum you will see I always try to be as helpful as possible. Look at the thread so far. How would it have been if I'd answered just Yes or No to all of your questions?


I suspect will be very VERY reluctant to answer anything else from you. And especially not such a quick response -- you won't find such support in many other places!



Yes of course. What's to stop you? Just don't come here for support.




Pete, I dont understand what happend here? 

 I have many times asked for support in many diffrent forums and I was able to get support!


I was not mad or reacting in anyway, I was just simply trying to se if I can get the Throttles work with your Fsuipc and the rest with P3D, instead you where repealing me  with """Er ... why do you want to assign in FSUIPC in the first place?  Why ask such an odd question?


If you mix assignment places you have to accept that sometimes it will all go weird because FS and P3D make auto-assignments. If you don't need or want FSUIPC's joystick facilities, just do everything in P3D. I am now rather confused about what it is you are after?  :sad:"""


My truble was the Throttles, and I have seen this answer, very late """ Well you can try. But you risk things going wrong in strange ways, axes conflicting because of FS/P3D auto-assignment. Maybe P3Dv3 no longer does this I don't know. Try. But I cannot support you with any problems this may cause.""" 


That was all I needed.


No worries, if we are unable to conversate here without you getting upset and mad for NO REASON, and writing """ust don't come here for support."""I will seek support by my self, YEY this was support DAY nr1 withfsuipc  ;) 


Im very much in luck that I have never got such mad responses from another support site at entire flight sim and I use almost all addons thereare for both fsx and p3d.


It would be nice to have my money back, If I buy something I want support, not a grumpy person that shuts me off support just like that for nor reason, please reconsider to start all over again and try to be more maleable, Im the guy that bought you product, you could ask for detail when needed, like nicely.


Something like, Im not sure I understand your problem, could you develop thet problem more etc .


Abviously you could be proffesional and nice, this is from another post you write: Can you explain a little more clearer please?

waw, not what I got::: Er ... why do you want to assign in FSUIPC in the first place?  Why ask such an odd question?


The question would have never been odd if you would ask for the detail you needed!


And when I develop my question , Dont come here for support, grate!, thanks!, Proffesional!


Anyways thank you sir for your time and if you decide to reconsider pls do replay.



  On 10/10/2015 at 2:53 PM, CTVredvirus said:

Pete, I dont understand what happend here? 

 I have many times asked for support in many diffrent forums and I was able to get support!


Here too, and very responsive. Just look back! What IS the matter with you?


  On 10/10/2015 at 2:53 PM, CTVredvirus said:

I was not mad or reacting in anyway, 


Er, read what you wrote again. I found it most upsetting. I am getting on these days (72) and need to watch my blood pressure, and it is very upsetting getting comments like "I supose this would be the Fsui PC support and so I turned here for help, instead I get a rather frustrated answer instead of of plain answers." when there were clear plain answers there if you did but look! And "can just get my question answered ..." when the answer was actually provided -- why did you simply not read it. Here I'll repeat if for you -- it was just after the one sentence that seemed to get you so annoyed:


If you mix assignment places you have to accept that sometimes it will all go weird because FS and P3D make auto-assignments. 


You also said "it is obvious that i have "had" a certain problem"  -- don't you think I could be told about this certain problem, all the better to help?


 Dont come here for support, grate!, thanks!, Proffesional!


This is only in relation to problems with axes if you mix assignments between FSUIPC and FS/P3D. Many many folks have forgotten to turn off controllers in FS when assigning axes in FSUIPC, then there are all sorts of conflicts, and FSUIPC inevitably gets the blame. I have to tell them to use one or the other. If you are DELIBERATELY going to mix, then I cannot help. Isn't that obvious to you, at least now?


I think you are being grossly unfair! I'm sorry if your huge annoyance came about from me questioning you instead of just giving a misleading Yes, which is what you evidently wanted. I'm just not like that when the question either doesn't make sense to me, or cannot be answered so simply as you wanted!



  On 10/10/2015 at 3:35 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Here too, and very responsive. Just look back! What IS the matter with you?




Er, read what you wrote again. I found it most upsetting. I am getting on these days (72) and need to watch my blood pressure, and it is very upsetting getting comments like "I supose this would be the Fsui PC support and so I turned here for help, instead I get a rather frustrated answer instead of of plain answers." when there were clear plain answers there if you did but look! And "can just get my question answered ..." when the answer was actually provided -- why did you simply not read it. Here I'll repeat if for you -- it was just after the one sentence that seemed to get you so annoyed:


If you mix assignment places you have to accept that sometimes it will all go weird because FS and P3D make auto-assignments. 


You also said "it is obvious that i have "had" a certain problem"  -- don't you think I could be told about this certain problem, all the better to help?



This is only in relation to problems with axes if you mix assignments between FSUIPC and FS/P3D. Many many folks have forgotten to turn off controllers in FS when assigning axes in FSUIPC, then there are all sorts of conflicts, and FSUIPC inevitably gets the blame. I have to tell them to use one or the other. If you are DELIBERATELY going to mix, then I cannot help. Isn't that obvious to you, at least now?


I think you are being grossly unfair! I'm sorry if your huge annoyance came about from me questioning you instead of just giving a misleading Yes, which is what you evidently wanted. I'm just not like that when the question either doesn't make sense to me, or cannot be answered so simply as you wanted!



So abviously we missunderstood eachother, anyways P3DV3 is not reassigning the axes, so I have everything else exept for alerons Elevator, rudder, brakes and engines, run By P3DV3 and they seem to go along just fine. To answer if it did not make sense I would have apreciated an, can you detail pls.

Anyways thanks for replaying and now you also know it works in case somebody else asks :)


Have a nice day!

  On 10/10/2015 at 4:31 PM, CTVredvirus said:

 now you also know it works in case somebody else asks :)


Thank you. But actually, you might not know it works .. yet. The auto-reassignment in FS occurred when FS thought the device was newly connected. Sometimes that's because you unplugged it and reconnected it, or sometimes it is an electrical oddity in the device, and sometimes it's just some update or other difference happening when re-booting the PC.


However, I have high hopes that it is indeed not doing it in P3Dv3. They seem to have a lot of things to fix in this area in any case, and the FS auto-assignment action was a deliberate user-friendly facility in any case, so that beginners didn't have to worry about assignment of the more common and known device types.



  On 10/10/2015 at 4:38 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Thank you. But actually, you might not know it works .. yet. The auto-reassignment in FS occurred when FS thought the device was newly connected. Sometimes that's because you unplugged it and reconnected it, or sometimes it is an electrical oddity in the device, and sometimes it's just some update or other difference happening when re-booting the PC.


However, I have high hopes that it is indeed not doing it in P3Dv3. They seem to have a lot of things to fix in this area in any case, and the FS auto-assignment action was a deliberate user-friendly facility in any case, so that beginners didn't have to worry about assignment of the more common and known device types.




I did remove all the doubles i had in both Fsui and P3d, I have restarted p3d a couple of times and also restarted the computer, power down the computer, and then also completley shut of power from PSU, Everything still works.

And P3d Have not reasigned back any axes, the controller axes, Nulzone and sensitivity are still greyed out.


I do have one more question.

The aircrafts are pulling to the right on takeoff roll, any ideea ? 

The controllers seems to be centered, wind calm, the throttles are giving even power.

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