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VAS Monitor & logging of VAS

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For those of you that haven't come across Pete's VAS monitor, some thing that I would highly recommend. As we enter the new world of "rising and FALLING VAS" with P3D, it is great to be able to keep an eye on this as your flight progresses. I use it with WideFS on a second PC. Wondering what I'm on about ? Check out:






I'm not sure if this is abig or small ask, but would appreciate an option or a version of VAS Monitor that exported to file, say, every minute. Perhaps using a format that could be loaded into Excel as a CSV file. Would be interested in being able to plot a graph of VAS usage over time for my flights. Not a biggy but would be interesting.




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I'm not sure if this is abig or small ask, but would appreciate an option or a version of VAS Monitor that exported to file, say, every minute. Perhaps using a format that could be loaded into Excel as a CSV file. Would be interested in being able to plot a graph of VAS usage over time for my flights. 


FSUIPC doesn't actually offer any "VAS Monitor". It simply updates a value in an offset regularly to indicate the amount of free memory. left to the FS Process, as described in the Offsets Status document.


024C 4 Available FS memory in kilobytes (updated every 1 0 seconds

There is a VAS Monitor plug-in written in Lua which may be what you intended to refer to in your link above (which doesn't work for me). The Lua plug-in can be changed, expanded, whatever, to only record it every minute and to write to a file or even (using 3rd party graphics libraries for Lua) actually do the graph.
You can also change the timing of the free memory check and offset update via a parameter in the FSUIPC4.INI file  -- see item 38 in the current Changes Document included in the download Zip.
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