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TOWER: Aircraft crossing active runways without holding

Paul McCormack

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In the manual, it states that aircraft will not enter active runways, but I am seeing this happening every time. Happens whether aircraft are assigned to taxi to runway, in which case they line up and wait automatically; also when aircraft land and then exit the runway by crossing another active runway (eg landing 06L and taxiing direct to E at LAX). Am I missing something??





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Hi Paul, you can manage this with consecutive instructions, such as

ANZ06 landing on 07R at LAX

Instruction 1. ANZ06 taxi to terminal via B S D

Instruction 2. ANZ06 hold short of runway 07L

You will often need to use Instruction ANZ06 hold short of taxiway S, as well to manage conflicting traffic moving from N to S.

To get the aircraft to move from the hold position, you use Instruction. ANZ06 continue taxi.

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