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switching keys in fsuipc

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I use a registered copy of FSUIPC v3.999z2 with FS9.


I would like to use the "N" key to call up FSNAV instead of the standard "F9" key.  I can program a joystick button to call FSNAV but cannot work out how to get another key to do this.  Advice  please.




ponderosa @ CYLW



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I would like to use the "N" key to call up FSNAV instead of the standard "F9" key.  I can program a joystick button to call FSNAV but cannot work out how to get another key to do this.  Advice  please.


If FSNAV is set to check for F9 then it presumably would need reconfiguring to check for 'N instead'. Have you checked its documentation to see how to do it? FSNAV isn't one of my programs so I can't really help directly.


With FSUIPC you can program a Lua plug-in to look for an 'N' key and send an F9 when it sees one, but why would you want to do such a thing? In fact why do you want to mess with keys when you can use a button?



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I want to use the "N"  key as it is most accesible point of the keyboard sitting under my CH Yoke, and the buttons on the yoke are all used for other functions. FSNAV seems to allow only a few alternative keys to F9, none of which are convenient in my setup. I will try Lua plug-in idea.


Thanks for the ideas, and for FSUIPC, a great program.


Pincushion @ CYLW

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