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MP comm P3D

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My Wing which flys the VRS FA18E in P3D(2.5) is attempting to use the "ingame comms" in MP.  We are having problems with the radio transmissions being heard no matter what channel/freq we are on.

In the sim there are commands for the "settings/controls/buttons and keys/multiplayer/transmit voice start" and "stop". Question is what are the codes for those function ? I have the list of "FSX" codes and it does not contain those commands. it has "com1 transmit sellect" of  66463 and for com2 66464. Will that work in MP?

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Hi Oldpop, I will jump in here as I am the Author of the SuperScript Lua I/O package for the VRS FA18E aircraft.


Mickey is correct, the VRS Radio's are VRS's own creation and sort of work outside the realm of FSX/P3D and most of the controls are done by Lvar for the radio.

However VRS do tie their radio back to the FSX/P3D radio via simconnect so effectively when you carry out radio channel changes etc, you are controlling the Sim radio's in P3D/FSX, so there should be no problem there.

As far as I know VRS do not supply a PTT Button or Variable for the Radios for TX nor does FSUIPC, the Controls you have mentioned 66463 and 66464 are purely to select the active TX Radio. 

These controls would be the same as the VRS KCM Commands "Control + Shift + 8"  for COM1  and  "Control + Shift + 9"  for COM2

Using SuperScript these KCM options can be called with Parameter 40044 for COM1 and 40045 for COM2 but all any of these commands are going to do is change the Active TX Radio. 


I am assuming you are familiar with this documentation from the P3D site.....On how it all works.



I think what you need to do currently is use FSUIPC to assign a joystick button to control the Keyboard DOWN/UP for the Multiplayer TX Keys on P3D.

Have a look at the    "Key Press/Hold"      "Key Release"     "Key Press & Release"  in the FSUIPC Pull Down List, refer to the FSUIPC Documentation for the Key Codes to provide the correct parameters for the assignments.

That should get you going, and this then will have nothing to do with what aircraft you are flying.


Just a note for you in regards to SuperScript..... I have currently built another Lua module for SuperScript for the VRS Aircraft that is called a PTT_MANAGER. 

This module is purely for controlling ANY Voice PTT Activated client, such as TeamSpeak, any of the VATSIM or IVAO Voice Clients, Roger Wilco (if it is still used) and any other Voice Client that has assignable Keyboard shortcuts for the PTT Keys, so even the P3D Multiplayer Chat should work with it too.... BUT I have not released the Module as of yet and will be a feature of SuperScript Version 2.09, The Currently available release of SuperScript is 2.08 which does not have that module unfortunately.

SuperScript is supported and maintained by myself and is hosted at http://www.hornetpits.org complete with a support thread.


Some of the cool features of this new module are:


Support for Dual or Single PTT Switch Allocation to both COM radio's

Auto Radio Selection in the VRS Cockpit when in Dual PTT config.

TX activation is sensitive to VRS Radio Power Knobs and will give Audible warning when trying to TX on a radio that is powered OFF. 

User settable TX Time OUT Timer, Audible warning at 5 Seconds prior to TX Timeout.

User settable BIT Control for COM1 and COM2 within Custom Offsets 0x66C0, 0x66C3, 0x66C5 allowing for a real TX Lamp (Pit Builders)     

Optional on screen small TX Lamp Monitor so you know when you are on air, can be positioned in different locations on screen. 


So keep an eye out at hornetpits for SS 2.09........


Cheers Glenn.

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Yes Oldpop,, not that I am aware of or have ever seen....... unless anyone else can offer any other suggestions.


FSUIPC gives the ability to link a Joystick button to a Key Press, you can set it up so the button controls both the Key Press and Key Release events, so that should take care of it for you, as I mentioned above so that is currently probably the best route to take for now.



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