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What am I doing wrong in the LUA script?

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I'm trying to make a lua script that checks the FSX time against the current UTC time and then sets the FSX time to the real UTC time if it isn't already there. So, for example, if I load the default flight and set the time to "dusk" and that UTC time is not accurate, it will update the time to the current UTC time. 


This is the first time I have ever touched LUA, so I don't know what I am doing. The only programming I have done is in PHP. I came up with this after some googling, but it isn't working, so I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Any help is appreciated!

-- FSX UTC Time Synch
-- Novbember 2015
-- V 1.0

-- ## Sets FSX Time to UTC ###############

while 1 do

   simHour = ipc.readUB("023B")
   simMinute = ipc.readUB("023c")

   Hour = os.date("!%H")
   Minute = os.date("!%M")

if simHour ~= Hour
	ipc.writeUB("023B", Hour)

if simMinute ~= Minute
    ipc.writeUB("023c", Minute)

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  • 4 weeks later...

What actually happens, then? Have you tried sing the Lua debug/trace option (in the FSUIPC Logging tab). That should show what is happening.


Generally, though, to change the time in FS reliably (keeping the correct difference between UTC and Local Time), I suspect you may need to write the local time, either instead or as well, and maybe also even the difference (offset 0246), even if it isn't changed.


Note that any time change which does affect anything other than the seconds will cause the sim to reload scenery texturing and so on, so produce a noticeable stutter. If FS's time is running slightly slower or faster than you PCs clock this will happen regularly.



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