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PM Retard keeps throttles at 41% : can LUA help ?

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Hi Pete,

As the Ifly CBE does not work in P3Dv3 and it will not be upgraded I went back to Project Magenta.

After 3 weeks of modifying and testing I now have a good flightmodel ( airfile + aircraft.cfg file ).

The overspeed at descent and approach , the zig zagging at approach are solved too.

The only thing that remains is that at the TOD and 28 ft before touchdown I do get the Retard message on the PFD , but the throttles only go back till 41% instead of idle.

Unfortunately no support from PM ( 2 tickets + emails ) so I was wondering if a LUA script might help.

The idea is to give a throttle idle command when the Retard message appears :


- AT shows RETARD (green)

-->Throttle levers move to iDle

--> AT shows ARMED (white)

- now PF has control of Throttle

Now in this situation the AP is in N1 mode and tries to keep the AC speed with pitch.

AutoLanding ( ILS CAT III )

- Flare at 50 ft

- AT shows RETARD

- Throttle levers move to idle

- AT disconnects at touchdown

The last one is the most important to me and probably the less dificult to achieve.

To go around the PM control I think that disabling the AT at 30 ft and then have the throttles go back to idle would do the trick. ( I have a Cockpisonic Motorized TQ ).

Can I sent a command at a certain altitude from within Fsuipc or do I need a LUA script for that ( an example would be great ) ?

Thanks and best regards,


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Can I sent a command at a certain altitude from within Fsuipc or do I need a LUA script for that ( an example would be great ) ?


You'd need a program interfacing to FSUIPC, or a Lua plug in. You might just be able to fiddle it with an offset conditional prefix on an assignment to a button but you'd still need something to press the button.


Examples of Lua plug-ins doing all sorts of things are supplied in your FSUIPC Documents folder, and there are lots more in the User Contributions sub-forum. 


Have you ever considered using Prosim737? I changed from PM to Prosim at the end of 2014 and haven't looked back since.



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Hi Pete,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Last year I had the change to compare the Ifly CBE with Prosim.

The Ifly "feels" more real.

I intend to wait till the regular Ifly will be updated in a few months to P3Dv3 support.

If my P3D CBE files then work I will switch back immeditaly to the Ifly.

If not I will switch to Prosim. Hanne tries to get me aboard since 2014...LOL

As you have Prosim.

- do your throttles go back to idle at the TOD ?

- do your throttles go back on 28 ft

Thanks Pete


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Last year I had the change to compare the Ifly CBE with Prosim.

The Ifly "feels" more real.


That was before the new Prosim -specific 738 model. The old one wasn't quite so good, but still a lot better than the PM-specific one. With PM I used to use an FS9 version PMDG 738.


As you have Prosim. 

- do your throttles go back to idle at the TOD ?

- do your throttles go back on 28 ft 



i haven't got motorised throttles. i always retard my throttles to idle during cruise and not really notice what the system does. Whatever it does it works okay. Maybe next time I'll watch the throttle settings it uses more closely. I disconnect AP and AT at 1000 foot AGL or soon after in any case if I have sight of the runway as landing manually is the fun part. I'll try a complete autoland next time maybe. Don't know when I'll get time to get back into my cockpit though ....



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