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HOW to display HDG,SPD,ALT on MCP to C#

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   As this topic i have read about offset , EVENT and i can program C# to PMDG 737 So could you tell me or show me ex code to help me Thank you. 


Sorry, I don't know C#. Isn't the example of the interface in the SDK of use? Once you know which offset to use, what would be the problem?


Have you considered using Paul Henty's .NET DLL? It makes such things much easier -- see the SubForum about this, above.



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Hi Pete, 


I am trying to read HDG but got some fantastic number like 121823238 however I can read speed and altitude normally. Could you please help me to solve this issue ? 


my delphi  code is :

procedure TFormMain.TimerUpdateTimeTimer(Sender: TObject);
  dwResult : DWORD;
  auiTime  : Array[1..3] of Byte;
  IAS: DWord;
  G_force: DWord;
  St: DWord;
  HDG: DWord;
  FSUIPC_Read($3324, 8, @altitude, dwResult); //
  FSUIPC_Read($02BC, 4, @IAS, dwResult);  // 
  FSUIPC_Read($11BA, 4, @G_force, dwResult);
  FSUIPC_Read($0580, 4, @HDG, dwResult);  // 
  Label4.Caption := IntToStr(round(altitude )) + ' ft';
  Label5.Caption := IntToStr(round(IAS / 128)) + ' kt';
  Label6.Caption := IntToStr(round( G_force/625));
  Label7.Caption := IntToStr(round(HDG*360/65536*65536));
Thanks in Advance 
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I am trying to read HDG but got some fantastic number like 121823238 however I can read speed and altitude normally. Could you please help me to solve this issue ? 


  Label7.Caption := IntToStr(round(HDG*360/65536*65536));


The arithmetic operations / and * have the same priority, so are obeyed left to right -- so you are getting


          ((HDG * 360) / 65356) * 65536


You need to use parentheses exactly as shown in the dox.



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