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Flight Plans

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This is probably a silly question but as I am new don't know where else to look for an explanation (or cure)


I have had FSUIPC for a few days and have found it helpful and no doubt once I have used more of the possible things will find it more so.


Right now I have a problem with saved flights. Every time I restart a saved flight I get the message that the flight has no flight plan and it will continue without one


.at which time if I go on it just flies past the airport and keeps going. I would have thought that as there was a flight plan while the flight was going on it would still be


there when I restore it.


Is this normal or am I doing something wrong


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Right now I have a problem with saved flights. Every time I restart a saved flight I get the message that the flight has no flight plan and it will continue without one



Is this normal or am I doing something wrong


This occurs if you started with a flight which was stored in the first place with a flight plan but then saved a flight with a different name and wanted to reload that. I think the flight plan needs to have the same name if it is to be automatically loaded with the flight. You'd be okay to load the plan manually, using the menu.



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