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FSUIPC Yoke and Flap-Switch Problem

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Hello !

I am from Germany, so please write as easy as you can, that i can understand... my english is not the best... ;)


i have the A2A Cessna 172 and 182, Quality Wings BAe 146 and some other planes...
i had some g3d.dll crashes and i installed FSUIPC (freeware). The g3d problem is finished, !thanks Mr. Dowson!, but:
on every plane i have (except the A2A cessnas) after installation of FSUIPC, the flap-button from saitek pro flight multi panel is not working anymore... and ONLY in the QW 146 the yoke is also not working.
Means: if i do NOT run FSUIPC, everything is working fine. if i do run FSUIPC, ONLY THE A2A CESSNA WORKS FINE , in every other planes the flap button is not working and in the QW 146 the yoke is also not working... Sometimes, if i press the "alt" button on the keyboard and go to the settings, for example the yoke-calibrate-menu, and than return to the "plane", the Yoke in the QW 146 is moving for just a second, and than it freeze´s in that position...


What can i do? Deactivate FSUIPC is not the solution... ;)

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i had some g3d.dll crashes and i installed FSUIPC (freeware). The g3d problem is finished, !thanks Mr. Dowson!, but:

on every plane i have (except the A2A cessnas) after installation of FSUIPC, the flap-button from saitek pro flight multi panel is not working anymore... and ONLY in the QW 146 the yoke is also not working.

Means: if i do NOT run FSUIPC, everything is working fine. if i do run FSUIPC, ONLY THE A2A CESSNA WORKS FINE , in every other planes the flap button is not working and in the QW 146 the yoke is also not working..


If FSUIPC is not registered, it does nothing whatsoever with joysticks or FS controls. Absolutely nothing. All that part of the code is simply by-passed. Despite your findings apparently to the contrary you most certainly must have something else going on there. 


. Sometimes, if i press the "alt" button on the keyboard and go to the settings, for example the yoke-calibrate-menu,



"Yoke calibrate menu"? Where is that? There is no calibrate menu in FSX. Or are you talking about some different Flight Sim program? You fail to identify either the flight simulator or the version of FSUIPC, but I assume you meant FSX as it is only in FSX that FSUIPC applies a fix for one specific G3D crash.




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Okay i am sorry, of course i mean fsx ...

FSUIPC is downloaded 3 weeks ago.

Thanks for your "If FSUIPC is not registered, it does nothing whatsoever with joysticks or FS controls. Absolutely nothing."

I was thinking very long but i have found the problem:


The Problem with the flap-button was very easy:

if you run fsx the first time after installing fsuipc, fsx is asking "do you trust fsuipc"

if i have a new program, i always trust not, and try that program first. the same i did with fsuipc... after clicking "trust fsuipc" - the flap button was working fine... :neutral:

it was so easy...


The Problem with the yoke in the QW 146:

it is, as i have described... but not fsuipc is the problem, as you told...

the plane needs fsuipc.

without fsuipc the yoke is always working

with activatet (trusted) fsuipc, the yoke is working only if the hydraulic system from the plane is switched on !?!

it took many hours, until I came up with this idea... :neutral:


so now, everything works fine AND i have no g3d crashes !

thank you very much, Pete !

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with activatet (trusted) fsuipc, the yoke is working only if the hydraulic system from the plane is switched on !?!

it took many hours, until I came up with this idea... :neutral:


Okay. Yes, it is correct that flight controls in larger aircraft need hydraulic pressure -- except possibly when they are "fly by wire" like the Airbuses where I expect it may b all electric.


I am surprised the add-on aircraft needs FSUIPC to work the systems correctly. Maybe it's a converted FS2004 add-on?



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I have no Idea, on Homepage: "The license is cross-compatible. That means customers receive the FS9, FSX and P3D versions all in one" 

but with the Installation of the plane, an automatic installation of FSUIPC was included... later i had (just like everybody) some problems with my fsx and i deinstalled something to find out were the problem is... 

and i thougt, i do not need fsuipc, too. so i deinstalled it and it seems, that everything is working fine... and the plane was working without fsuipc as i told... and than i got some g3d.dll´s and on an other forum someone told me, install fsuipc!

i did, and the plane was still working fine, was working "better", but i was to stupid to think about the hydraulic system :???: 

hope you understand my bad english ;)

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