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Reverser Command missing

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I am using the latest FSUIPC with PMDG 777 and P3D 3.1


FSUIPC works fine except I don't find any command for the reversers,


F2 Reverser is contained in the help file of P3D.

But its not contained in the command list.


So I cannot assign F2 with Reverse Thrust.


Is there a way to import Reverse Thrust?


I also tried Linda. There is a special file for PMDG 777. But the Reverser command only opens them. When I keep pressing the button nothing happens.



Harry Forstner

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FSUIPC works fine except I don't find any command for the reversers,


F2 Reverser is contained in the help file of P3D.

But its not contained in the command list.


The button/keypress throttle controls are all called "throttle_xxx" or "throttleN_xxx" where N is the throttle number, and "xxx" is Decr, Incr, Cut, or Full. The default assignments for the F1 - F4 keys are Throttle Cut, Decr, Incr and Full respectively. So F2 actually invokes Throttle Decr. There is no specific reverser control supported by any version of FS. F2 just decreases the throttle setting a tad, no matter where it is.


FSUIPC not only supports all those controls, but also dedicated reverser axes in the axis assignment section. This is actually more support for reversers than offered by FS itself.


If FS default keyboard shortcuts do something you want to program on a button, just enable Event logging in FSUIPC, use the keyboard short cut, and view the resulting event in the FSUIPC Log. It'll give you the correct name there. With FSX in windowed mode you can even use the FSUIPC console log option so you can see the results in real time, whilst you press the keys.



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