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Mouse Click Programming

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Pete, I have mounted the tiger - and can't get off!


I've gone carefully through your explanation about mouse programming in both the standard and the advanced user manuals. I'm able to create the mouse click on the appropriate "hot spot" on the screen. When I test with the TAB key, it works like a champ. But the macro never works in the plane under live conditions.


Here's the actual macro I ended up with:


Window="Alt Alert large"
This macro appears in the "Modules" directory and is referenced in the FSUIPC.ini file.
My version is registered - 4.949f and I'm trying to mouse program on the 2D panel version of the Flight One PC-12.
Everything in the above macro was created by FSUIPC except the "window" statement I added - pursuant to your advice in the manual. The title of the window is literally from the panel.cfg file - including the lower case in "large." I wanted no uncertainty about the window being referenced.
By the way - the altitude alert gauge appears in two different sizes. But, according to your comments in the user guide, that should not matter, since I'm specifically referencing that "large" version of the gauge.
Lost in Leesburg (Florida)
My FSX is installed in F:\FSX. i thought maybe FSUIPC was getting lost looking for a different installation, but FSUIPC is in the F:\FXS\Modules folder - I think that's right. A number of years ago I had a lot of experience programming some of this stuff - had a radio stack with autopilot and was using a Contour Shuttle to control my Garmin GPS. Not a newbie, but it's been a long, long time since I was last simming!
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I've gone carefully through your explanation about mouse programming in both the standard and the advanced user manuals. I'm able to create the mouse click on the appropriate "hot spot" on the screen. When I test with the TAB key, it works like a champ. But the macro never works in the plane under live conditions.


It might help if you actually mentioned the aircraft, then maybe others with the same one might be able to contribute. In fact it would be best mentioned in the title.


There's actually no difference in what the "Tab" test keypress s doing compared with whatever key or button you assign does.


Everything in the above macro was created by FSUIPC except the "window" statement I added - pursuant to your advice in the manual. The title of the window is literally from the panel.cfg file - including the lower case in "large." I wanted no uncertainty about the window being referenced.

Does the "TAB" test work both with and without the Window title?
It may be that it needs a parameter value, too, as also discussed in the documentation. But  I've never heard of a case where it works with the TAB test but not with any other key or button assigned. Nonetheless it might be worth experimenting.
Very few add-on aircraft are these days written in such a way that the mouse macro facilitiy operates. It's a shame. When I first implemented it, for FS9, most did -- oddly enough, except for default FS aircraft. Microsoft didn't follow their own gauge making "rules" in the SDK.
BTW please always post support questions to the Support Forum, not to one of the reference subforums. You are lucky I came across it.
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Well, I certainly made a mistake by posting in the wrong area. Didn't realize I was in a sub-category.


I thought I did include the plane - it's the Flight One Pilatus PC-12. So definitely an add-on. There is a host of "hot-spots" to display or further "open" instruments - much

like many other add-ons, of course.


Yes, it did work fine even before the "Window=" statement with TAB  while writing the mouse macro. I was excited when I found that part of the documentation.

Maybe there's still hope.


In the meantime, I think maybe I've found a work-around. The window I want to click on is beyond the SHIFT+# - it's window#9 - so it's "just out of reach"

of a "regular" button/key push. However, window#5 is one that is very seldom accessed - the brake panel has the parking brake and a clock - neither are importing

for starting/takeoff, etc. If I "swap" window positions between these two, I can access the "large" version of this gauge in a normal manner.


Without too much difficulty, I can use the six buttons on the side to get something like 16 buttons (#6/#7 on/off, both on, etc) with the other four buttons will allow a lot of combinations - without any futzing with the mouse.


Thanks for your alert reaction to my mis-post. I'll try to be more careful about where I put posts.


I managed to dig out some of my paper documentation (back when I had my cockpit) for my previous equipment and the coding I had done - but none of it ever involved any mouse programming.


Thanks again for getting my post into the right spot.


Art - N4PJ

Leesburg, FL

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In the meantime, I think maybe I've found a work-around. The window I want to click on is beyond the SHIFT+# - it's window#9 - so it's "just out of reach" of a "regular" button/key push. However, window#5 is one that is very seldom accessed - the brake panel has the parking brake and a clock - neither are importing

for starting/takeoff, etc. If I "swap" window positions between these two, I can access the "large" version of this gauge in a normal manner.


Possibly it is to do with keyboard/mouse focus?


I'm wondering whether the DLL, which needs to be active and present when the Mouse Macro is used, is not actually accessible when that Window doesn't have the focus.


Most of the (successful) Mouse Macro usage is with actual Gauge code (.GAU files, which are DLLs by another name) for buttons on gauges situated on the main cockpit Window.



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