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Embraer135/145 Sim and FSUIPC

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Hey Pete,


we are currently on a project from reviving a used airliner embraer 135/145 cockpit trainer and building it up as a Sim.

However this A/C type (Wilco/Feelthere Legacy) has a lot of buttons not directly linked in FSUIPC (Avionic master1&2 a.s.o.)

Is there a possibility to "create" these kind of offsets our self and get these buttons to work this way?

We are also planning to use Project Magenta RJ as layout afterwards if these functions can be used then.


Thanks for a hint, as I read through a lot of docs the last days I might have missed the answer to my question already ;)


Greetings from Luxembourg



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we are currently on a project from reviving a used airliner embraer 135/145 cockpit trainer and building it up as a Sim.

However this A/C type (Wilco/Feelthere Legacy) has a lot of buttons not directly linked in FSUIPC (Avionic master1&2 a.s.o.)

Is there a possibility to "create" these kind of offsets our self and get these buttons to work this way?


I'm rather confused. Are you talking about a hardware cockpit which you plan to use with a Wilco add-on aircraft in FSX or P3D (or is this some older FS?), or just reviving and updating the code for that add-on aircraft?


I'm not sure what you mean by "buttons not directly linked to fSUIPC" -- no buttons are directly linked to anything. You need to assign them in FS or FSUIPC to link them to an FS function.


Or do you really mean that the cockpit has functions which are not simulated in FS and therefore have no equivalents already defined? 


I can of course allocate offset space for applications which need them. Are you planning to write a program to populate them or change the add-on aircraft code to provide them?



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Hey Pete,


thanks for the quick answer and interest. It might be more easy to send you an email with more information's and pictures, so you can see it as well? Hardware/Software/Interface   chrisDOTlanserATlftaDOTlu 


By the "linked to FSUIPC button" I meant that there is no offset defined to send commands to the FS by SIOC I/O cards to activate e.g. the Avionic Master switch 1 or 2, thrust rating aso. (Sorry I explained myself a little difficult) 

Wilco/Feelthere Legacy aircraft has nearly every button and switch simulated in the FS model (Currently on FS9) but the question is how to I get a signal from the Hardware switches to the FS through SIOC I/O cards to work?


Of course after we have all the scripts working with it, we wanted to publish these as well as there might be some more Embraer friends out there bulding a 135/145 :)



Edited by avichris
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By the "linked to FSUIPC button" I meant that there is no offset defined to send commands to the FS by SIOC I/O cards to activate e.g. the Avionic Master switch 1 or 2, thrust rating aso. (Sorry I explained myself a little difficult) 

Wilco/Feelthere Legacy aircraft has nearly every button and switch simulated in the FS model (Currently on FS9


Ah, you should have mentioned SIOC.  That makes it clearer.


Yes, of course the FS9 avionics switch has an offset.  Not sure what you mean by "thrust rating aso". But if, as you say, all of the switches in the Wilco add-on aircraft are actually also in FS -- i.e. there are no extra ones which FS doesn't provide itself -- then there is very likely to be an offset for it. Have you looked? There is a list installed in the FSUIPC Documents folder, or if not it's available in the FSUIPC SDK.


If there are any switches in the Wilco aircraft which are not covered and do not have FS controls for them, if they are only accessible by mouse for instance, then there is no way really to use offsets directly. You'd need to have some sort of Lua plug-in or other program to interpret changes to user offsets (66C0-66FF are free for user applications) ad either invoke mouse macros or actually move and operate the mouse pointer.



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Hmm ok I will recheck the list but some of the buttons in FS are not allocated to an offset.

For the wilco airbus model there is a tool existing called FSUIPC exporter which adds additional offsets to fsuipc for control of the FS model


And I was wondering how this can be done maybe because this is what we need to get our sim fully operational.

Thanks for the info

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Hmm ok I will recheck the list but some of the buttons in FS are not allocated to an offset.


Let me know which they are. If there's an FS control for it, then an offet isn't always justified. Controls can be sent by offsets too.


For the wilco airbus model there is a tool existing called FSUIPC exporter which adds additional offsets to fsuipc for control of the FS model http://emarciano.fre...IPCExporter.htm

And I was wondering how this can be done maybe because this is what we need to get our sim fully operational. 


I don't know what Eric has done -- maybe he's hacked into the Wiclo code, or maybe he's written code to handle internal variables using the Panels interface. In the latter case they might be L:variables, which you can access using FSUIPC macros or Lua plugins. If it was done by hacking then you'd need to be able to do that and write a program to make use of the findings.




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