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record to csv

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Hi Pete!


I would ask you for help if  possible.


I am useing Prepar3d V2.5 and FSUIPC 4.949f.


For a project I have to do (urgently) I have to record parameters during our test flights.

I used your example "record to csv.lua" which works for me.

But unfortunately I am not good enough to retríeve all necessary data via FSUIPC and display it in a "readable format".


I got throttle, prop, mixture rpm etc. but I need more information


Where I have problems is:



sideslip angele (as degrees)

flap (as degrees)

roll rate (as degrees/second)

yaw rate (as degrees/second)


Probably all that information can be retrieved but my programming skills ar very limited.


We would also be interested in elevator force, aileron force and rudder force but here I am not even sure if we can get those information.

(By force I mean the force the pilot has to apply to move the rudder)


So if you could help me to get your example program "enhanced" it would help me.


And: I can fund that work if the price is reasonable.







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Where I have problems is:



sideslip angele (as degrees)

flap (as degrees)

roll rate (as degrees/second)

yaw rate (as degrees/second)


Probably all that information can be retrieved but my programming skills ar very limited.


We would also be interested in elevator force, aileron force and rudder force but here I am not even sure if we can get those information.

(By force I mean the force the pilot has to apply to move the rudder)


Did you try searching the offsets list provided in your FSUIPC Documents folder at all? I found these pretty quickly:


AoA (searched for "AoA"). same as "incidence alpha", offset 2ED0

Sideslip angle (searched for "side slip"), same as "incidence beta", offset 2ED8

Flaps in degrees:  there's a whole set of theses for the different flap sections, see 30F0 - 30FE

Roll rate (searched for "Roll"), offset 30B0

Yaw rate (searched for "yaw"), offset 30B8


Please do try using search facilities in your PDF viewer. They work quite well, though sometimes you need to think of alternative search words.


As for force to move the controls, I don't think this is simulated at all. And surely it varies according to aircraft design. On many airliners these days is it simulated/generated in any case, not real. You'd need to derive it mostly from aircraft specifications I would have thought.



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Hi Pete!


Thank you for your reply!


Yes I did search and find the items in your document.


And I do get data into the .csv file.


But the values I get do not seem to make any sense.

(Maybe my programming is just wrong)


Maybe you allow me to send you my .lua file and have a look into it.

(Flaps has still to be done)


And as said: Yo dont need to do that for free.


Thank you in advance.







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But the values I get do not seem to make any sense.

(Maybe my programming is just wrong)


Once the correct offset is found, there are really only two things to get right:


1. The TYPE of variable being read. Many of thoseI listed are 64-bit (double) floating point values. Only the flaps values are integers, in 16-bit unsigned "words".


2. The arithmetic, which is Lua follows standard maths rules, division (/) and multiplication (*) following left to right rule unless parentheses () are used.  Junior school stuff.


Maybe you allow me to send you my .lua file and have a look into it.

(Flaps has still to be done)


Just paste it into a message here.


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Hi Pete!


Thx! You are probably right  :???:  Junior school stuff but ......


-- "Record to CSV" example data logging LUA plug-in, by Pete Dowson, September 2008
-- Open an exisitng "FSrecord.csv" file to append to, or create it if it doesn't exist
-- It will go into the Modules folder because I've not included a full path (like "C:\....")
-- By using "assert" you get an error message if this fails
f = assert(io.open("FSTD_Test.01.csv","a+"))
-- write the CSV column headings
f:write("\r\nmsecs,msec,time,lat,lon,alt(ft),pitch,bank,hdgT,hdgM,vs,ias,tas,gs,throttle,prop,mixture,rpm,manifold,elevator axis,elevator,aileron axis,aileron,rudder axis,rudder,trim axis,trim,A0A,rollrate,yawrate,stall,load,slip\n")
--  note the elapsed mSecs count now so can provide relative mSec timing column
time0 = ipc.elapsedtime()
-- Loop until our Flag 0 is set (by assigned FSUIPC control)
while not ipc.testflag(0) do
-- Set the timestamp for this loop
time = ipc.elapsedtime() - time0
-- Read all the data we want from FSUIPC
hour, min, sec, hourZ, minZ  = ipc.readStruct(0x238, "5UB")
gs, tas, ias = ipc.readStruct(0x02B4, "3UD")
lat, lon, alt, pitch, bank, hdgT = ipc.readStruct(0x0560,"3DD", "2SD", "1UD")
mach = ipc.readUW(0x11C6)
vs = ipc.readSW(0x842)
-- throttle = ipc.readSW(0x332E)
throttle = ipc.readSW(0x088C)
proplever = ipc.readSW(0x088E)
mixturelever = ipc.readSW(0x0890)
rpmscalar = ipc.readSW(0x08C8)
rpm = ipc.readSW(0x898)
manifold = ipc.readSW(0x08C0)
elevatoraxis = ipc.readSW(0x3328)
elevatorcontrol = ipc.readSW(0x0BB2)
aileronaxis = ipc.readSW(0x332A)
aileroncontrol = ipc.readSW(0x0BB6)
rudderaxis = ipc.readSW(0x332C)
ruddercontrol = ipc.readSW(0x0BBA)
trimaxis = ipc.readSW(0x3338)
trimcontrol = ipc.readSW(0x0BC0)
AoAindicator = ipc.readSW(0x2ED0)
rollrate = ipc.readSD(0x0384)
yawrate = ipc.readSW(0x30B8)
stallwarning = ipc.readSW(0x036C)
loadfactor = ipc.readSW(0x11BA)
sideslip = ipc.readSW(0x2ED8)
-- now convert them all from FS units into those we normally recognise
gs = (gs * 3600) / (65536 * 1852)
tas = tas / 128
ias = ias / 128
mach = mach / 20480
vs = vs * -3.28084
lat = lat * 90 / (10001750 * 65536 * 65536)
lon = lon * 360 /  (65536 * 65536 * 65536 * 65536)
alt = alt * 3.28084 / (65536 * 65536)
pitch = pitch * 360 / (65536 * 65536)
bank = bank * 360 / (65536 * 65536)
hdgM = hdgT - (ipc.readSW(0x02A0) * 65536)
hdgM = hdgM * 360 / (65536 * 65536)
hdgT = hdgT * 360 / (65536 * 65536)
throttle = (throttle / 16384) * 100
proplever = (proplever / 16384) * 100
mixturelever = (mixturelever / 16384) * 100
manifold = (manifold / 1024)
rpm = (rpm * rpmscalar) / 65536
a, b = math.modf(rpm / 10)
rpm = (a * 10)
msec = time / 1000
loadfactor = loadfactor / 624
-- but only log this time IF we aren't in an FS menu, or loading scenery
-- (check the "ready-to-fly" flag word at 3364)
-- and provided we are not paused (flagged at 0264)
if (ipc.readUW(0x3364) == 0) and (ipc.readUW(0x0264) == 0) then
  -- if alt >= 2000 and alt <= 3000 then
   -- write a CSV line to the open file
time,msec,hour, min, sec,lat,lon,alt,pitch,bank,hdgT,hdgM,vs,ias,tas,gs,throttle,proplever,mixturelever,rpm,manifold,elevatoraxis,elevatorcontrol,aileronaxis,aileroncontrol,rudderaxis,ruddercontrol,trimaxis,trimcontrol,AoAindicator,rollrate,yawrate,stallwarning,loadfactor,sideslip))
  -- end
-- 20 times per second, roughly (allow 2 mSecs overhead)
-- tidy up at end ...
-- end of example program
Thank yo for your assistance
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Er ... look. You've not even got the first point correct, reading the correct value types as I instructed and which should be really obvious:


AoAindicator = ipc.readSW(0x2ED0)
You are reading a 16 bit signed word (SW) for an offset clearly documented as a double (FLOAT64), which is obviously read using the ipc.readDBL function. You only had to look thngs up!!!!
rollrate = ipc.readSD(0x0384)
SD = signed DWORD. But this is documented as a 32-bit float (ipc.readFLT).
And on it goes. You've apparently not bothered to look them up to ascertain what they are now what the correct functions are to read them!
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Sorry. I am not known for my patience, nor certainly am I by any stretch of the imagination a good teacher. I do hope, however, that folks can read, or if not get someone to read for them. ;-)


I admit that my knowledge in programming is limited and I do have problems with SW, UW, etc. etc.


It is not really programming at all, just matching words. Words like "Float32" for instance match in both the offsets list and the Lua function list. You can even use a "search" option to find these matches.


There's also a simple guide to bits, bytes, words and so on in the FAQ subforum thread

About bits numbers and hexadecimal

Although there's more there than you need at present, it doesn't cover 32-bit floating point (FLOAT32 or just FLT) nor "double" -- 64-bit floating point (FLOAT64 or DOUBLE or just DBL).



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