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Lost slope button for mixture 1 in all profiles?

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I am using fsuipc 4.949c.

I was in the calibration page and tried to use the Sync Pos button on page 4 mixture page
I noticed that the slope button for mixture 1 was gone?
I have looked at the rest of my profiles and the slope button for Mixture 1 is not there in any of the other profiles either.
The slope button appears for all the rest of the mixture axis in all profiles.
How can I fix this?
Should I just uninstall fsuipc and do a clean install?


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 am using fsuipc 4.949c.


The currently supported versions are 4.949f or 4.049g.


I was in the calibration page and tried to use the Sync Pos button on page 4 mixture page

I noticed that the slope button for mixture 1 was gone?

I have looked at the rest of my profiles and the slope button for Mixture 1 is not there in any of the other profiles either.

The slope button appears for all the rest of the mixture axis in all profiles.


Hmm. Interesting. What a good find! Actually, here, none of the Mixture axes on Page 4 of 11 have Slope buttons. I wonder how long it's been like that? Maybe forever, and no one noticed? (I doubt very much many folks put slopes on anything but aileron, elevator, rudder, throttles and maybe brakes).


I'll look at that and have it fixed on the next release, probably next week.




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Okay, I've looked at this. In fact it was listed as a change in FSUIPC versions 4.25 (February 2008) and 3.80 (March 2008). Here's the entry in the History document (in your FSUIPC Documents subfolder):


A bug is fixed which affected the calibration of the four separate Mixture axes. The bug caused the output values to jump from 8192 to around 12288. This was due to the attempted provision of asymmetric slopes for off-centred “centres”. The Slope option is no longer offered for these axes.


If you really need slope facilities on those axes I could make an INI file option for you to release the restriction, but then it would be your choice, your risk. Let me know. Also if you could explain why, it would help. After all no one else has worried about this for 8 years! 



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Thanks Pete.

I don't need the slope function for the mixture axis. Just thought there was something wrong with the program because the slope option only disappeared for mixture1, it still shows up for the other three mixture axis.



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it still shows up for the other three mixture axis.


That's very odd, as it shouldn't! I can't make it do that here. Can you show me your INI file please-- paste it here.


Maybe somehow some Slopes parameters have got into your INI for those, which might do it.



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Pete here is the ini file.


Hmm. doesn't do it for me. Interesting, though, that you have absolutely no calibrations in FSUIPC whatsoever. So how come the worry over "slopes" buttons"? Are you in the Calibrations tab just out of curiosity?


There aren't even any assignments to any axes at all, even though you have some buttons assigned. You aren't leaving controllers enabled in FS whilst assigning in FSUIPC, are you? That's asking for trouble in any case.


You even have three profiles with absolutely no assignments or calibrations in any of them!


There is one curio in the INI. This line (in the Calibrations section) makes no sense whatsoever:




That looks like some sort of corrupted calibration assigned to the wrong keyword. The MaxSteerSpeed is just the  ground speed at which the rudder takes over 100% of steering from the Tiller, assuming both are assigned. It's just a simple number!



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