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How to tell for sure FSUIPC is working?

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How do you know if FSUIPC is working. Seems like it installed since in P3d v3.2 "modules" but keep getting message when I try using ACARS for my virtual airlines that it cant find. Get message below:


"FSUIPC Error #2, FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS. Cannot find FSUIPC or WideFS running on this machine."


In FSUIPC Options and Settings says I am registered, with my name, e-mail address etc, and is Version 4.949h. Says WideFS needs registering but don't know how to that correctly it appears, tried to do that but did not work.

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How do you know if FSUIPC is working. Seems like it installed since in P3d v3.2 "modules" but keep getting message when I try using ACARS for my virtual airlines that it cant find. Get message below:


"FSUIPC Error #2, FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS. Cannot find FSUIPC or WideFS running on this machine."


Show me a complete FSUIPC4.LOG from the P3D Modules folder. Close P3D first. Paste the log into a message here.


In FSUIPC Options and Settings says I am registered, with my name, e-mail address etc, and is Version 4.949h. Says WideFS needs registering but don't know how to that correctly it appears, tried to do that but did not work.


Have you bought WideFS as well? Do you run This ACARS program on a different PC? If not,WideFS is not relevant.
Most FSUIPC client applications don't even need FSUIPC to be registered, as the program access for applications is free for users, always has been.
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Thanks Pete for the help.


Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.949h

Looking in registry for FSX install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0
... >>>  OK! FOUND FSX!  <<< ...

Looking in registry for FSX-SE install path:
Not there, so looking in:
Not there, so looking in:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator - Steam Edition\10.0
Not there, so looking in:
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator - Steam Edition\10.0
... NOT found! ...

Looking in registry for Prepar3D v1 install path:
Not there, so looking in:
... NOT found! ...

Looking in registry for Prepar3D v2 install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2
Not there, so looking in:
     HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2
... >>>  OK! FOUND Prepar3D v2!  <<< ...

Looking in registry for Prepar3D v3 install path:
     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3
... >>>  OK! FOUND Prepar3D v3!  <<< ...

Checking version of the FSX EXE:
Couldn't obtain Version Info! Asking user to find FSX.EXE ...
User aborted attempt to find FSX. Installation failed.

Checking version of the Prepar3D v2 EXE:
Couldn't obtain Version Info! Asking user to find Prepar3D v2.EXE ...
User identified path:
Checking version of the Prepar3D v2 EXE:
Couldn't obtain Version Info! Asking user to find Prepar3D v2.EXE ...
User aborted attempt to find Prepar3D v2. Installation failed.

Checking version of the Prepar3D v3 EXE:
... Version  (Need at least 1.0.677.0)
Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:
Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in:
... Version 4.949h found.
Prepar3D v3 Modules folder already exists.
Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "P:\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL"
Looking for the current user's Application Data path:
... found as "C:\Users\Pat2\AppData\Roaming"
Now finding \Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D.CFG for all users, including this one
Looking in "C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No Prepar3D.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No Prepar3D.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No Prepar3D.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Default.migrated\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No Prepar3D.CFG there
Looking in "C:\Users\Pat2\AppData\Roaming"
Found Prepar3D.CFG in "C:\Users\Pat2\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D.CFG"
Now checking DLL.XML ...
... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section.
... FSUIPC4_Loader section already exists but will be replaced.
     (with FSUIPC4_Loader entry)
... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay
Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ...
... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay.
Looking in "C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming"
 ... No Prepar3D.CFG there
"Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder already exists.
Now installing the Prepar3D SimConnect interface for FSUIPC4 into the "Modules" folder:
   Installed "SimConnectP3D2.dll" okay
Now installing additional files into the "Modules\FSUIPC Documents" folder:
   Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay
   Installed "List of FSX and P3D controls.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua License.pdf" okay
   Installed "Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf" okay
   Installed "LuaFileSystem.pdf" okay
   Installed "Example LUA plugins.zip" okay
   Installed "ASN WX Radar facilities in FSUIPC4.pdf" okay
   Installed "Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX.pdf" okay
   Installed "Offset Mapping for PMDG 777X.pdf" okay
   Installed "FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf" okay
   Installed "Profiles in Separate Files.pdf" okay

All installer tasks completed.

*************** End of Install Log ***************

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Thanks Pete for the help.


Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.949h


That's the Install log. That just shows you installed it okay. the run time log is called "FSUIPC4.LOG", as I said.


However, the installer log does show up some bad things in your Registry. For instance it says you have an FSX installed in D:\FSX. If that's no longer true, why does it say that. Did you delete FSX without actually uninstalling it?


The Registry also says you have a Prepar3D version 2 installed in P:\Prepar3D, but that too seems wrong.


What have you done there? The system appears to be in a mess!


I see you have version 3 of Prepar3D in the root drive P:\. Was that intentional? It is very unusual.



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will look for that, did not see that log, if i remember only showed what i sent. As for FSX thought I had removed it and the previous P3d v2 the correct way.  I sure don't claim to be a PC wiz but I just put P3d v3 on a dedicated drive only for flight sim, are you saying it should have been just within a folder on my "P" drive? Having said that how do I fix the registry and remove FSX and any P3d v2 references?  Will look for "FSUIPC4.LOG",  This whole thing started when a drive was acting up and decided to upgrade to v3. 

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********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.949h by Pete Dowson *********
Prepar3D.exe version =
Reading options from "P:\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside Prepar3D v3 on Windows 8.0
Module base=53AC0000
User Name="Patrick Halsey"
User Addr="Pathals50@gmail.com"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       47 System time = 21/03/2016 08:13:29
       47 FLT path = "C:\Users\Pat2\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\"
       62 ------ Module Version Check ------
       62        acontain.dll:
       62             api.dll:
       62        controls.dll:
       62      fs-traffic.dll:
       62             G3D.dll:
       62        language.dll:
       62            sim1.dll:
       62        visualfx.dll:
       62         weather.dll:
       62          window.dll:
       62 ----------------------------------
       62 Trying P:\Modules\SimConnectP3D2.dll
       62 Found it: trying to connect
       62 FS path = "P:\"
      250 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      250 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
      250    Manufacturer= Saitek
      250    Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.1)
      250    Serial Number= Saitek
      250 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
      250    Manufacturer= Saitek
      250    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.2)
      250    Serial Number= Saitek
      250 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      250 LogOptions=00000000 00000003
      250 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      250 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------
      250 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      265 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      265 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      265 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      265 --- Wind smoothing fix is installed
      265 --- All links okay (except older global weather setting method)
      265 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      265 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      265 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D
     2812 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", Version: (SimConnect:
     2812 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     2812 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     2828 C:\Users\Pat2\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D_Default.fxml
     2828 P:\SimObjects\Airplanes\IRIS Raptor Driver\Raptor.air
   128453 System time = 21/03/2016 08:15:38, Simulator time = 08:00:01 (13:00Z)
   128469 Aircraft="F-22 Raptor - 525th Fighter Squadron"
   129469 Starting everything now ...
   174219 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   174219 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   174219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   174219 ***ICAOset = KVPS       
   174219 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
   176390 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   176390 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   176390 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   176390  Results: FS98 Pressure=1013.1 mb
   176390  Results: FS98 CurrTemp at PlaneAlt=92: 15C
   178531 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   178531 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   178531 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   178531 >Change:  FS98 Vis: range =0sm, (raw value=0)
   178531 >Change:  FS98 Temp0: to 90ft, Day 0.0C, NightVar 0.0C
   178531 >Change:  FS98 Dewpoint Control: disabled
   178531 >Change:  FS98 Precip Control: disabled
   180547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   180547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   180547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   182703 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   182703 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   182703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   182703 >Change:  Pressure=1013.0 mb
   182703 >Change:  Wind layer 1: to alt=19770ft, dir=0T, vel=0.0, gust=0.0, turb=0, shear=0, var=0.0
   182703 >Change:  Wind layer 2: to alt=22766ft, dir=270T, vel=25.0, gust=0.0, turb=0, shear=0, var=0.0
   182703 >Change:  Visibility[0]: range=62.1sm (100005m), from=-1390ft, to=8610ft
   182703 >Change:  Cloud[0]: type=9, from 5800ft to 9800ft (+/- 0ft), cover=2, turb=0, topshape=0
   182703 >Change:                      Precip=0, base=0ft, rate=0, icing=0
   182703 >Change:  Cloud[1]: type=1, from 39400ft to 39600ft (+/- 0ft), cover=6, turb=0, topshape=0
   182703 >Change:                      Precip=0, base=0ft, rate=0, icing=0
   182703 >Change:  Temperature[0]: alt=80ft, Day=15.0 C, NightVar=0.0 C, DewPt=5.0 C
   182703  Results: FS98 Wind1: 80ft to 19770ft AMSL, dir=0T, vel 0, gust 0, turb 0
   182703  Results: FS98 Wind2: 19770ft to 22766ft AMSL, dir=270T, vel 25, gust 0, turb 0
   182703  Results: FS98 Vis: range =62sm, (raw value=6214)
   182703  Results: FS98 Cloud1: type=9, from 5800ft to 9800ft (+/- 0ft), cover 2, turb 0, ice 0
   182703  Results: FS98 Cloud2: type=1, from 39400ft to 39600ft (+/- 0ft), cover 6, turb 0, ice 0
   182703  Results: FS98 Temp0: to 90ft, Day 15.0C, NightVar 0.0C
   184703 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   184703 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   184703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   186875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   186875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   186875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   188875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   188875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   188875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   190875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   190875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   190875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   192875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   192875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   192875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   194890 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   194890 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   194890 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   197031 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   197031 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   197031 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   199047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   199047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   199047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   201047 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   201047 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   201047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   203047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   203047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   203047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   205047 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   205047 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   205047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   207047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   207047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   207047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   209390 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   209390 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   209390 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   211547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   211547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   211547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   213547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   213547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   213547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   215547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   215547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   215547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   217547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   217547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   217547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   219547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   219547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   219547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   221547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   221547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   221547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   223547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   223547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   223547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   225703 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   225703 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   225703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   227703 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   227703 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   227703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   229703 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   229703 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   229703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   231719 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   231719 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   231719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   233875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   233875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   233875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   235890 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   235890 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   235890 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   238047 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   238047 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   238047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   240047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   240047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   240047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   242047 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   242047 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   242047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   244047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   244047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   244047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   246047 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   246047 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   246047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   248047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   248047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   248047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   250219 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   250219 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   250219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   252375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   252375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   252375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   254375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   254375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   254375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   256390 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   256390 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   256390 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   258390 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   258390 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   258390 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   260547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   260547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   260547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   262547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   262547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   262547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   264547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   264547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   264547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   266547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   266547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   266547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   268547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   268547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   268547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   270547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   270547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   270547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   272547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   272547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   272547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   274547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   274547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   274547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   276547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   276547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   276547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   278719 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   278719 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   278719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   280875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   280875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   280875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   282875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   282875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   282875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   284875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   284875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   284875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   286875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   286875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   286875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   288875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   288875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   288875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   290875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   290875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   290875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   293047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   293047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   293047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   295203 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   295203 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   295203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   297203 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   297203 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   297203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   299203 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   299203 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   299203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   301219 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   301219 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   301219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   303390 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   303390 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   303390 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   305547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   305547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   305547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   307547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   307547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   307547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   309547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   309547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   309547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   311547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   311547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   311547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   313547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   313547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   313547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   315719 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   315719 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   315719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   317719 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   317719 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   317719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   319875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   319875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   319875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   321875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   321875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   321875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   323875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   323875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   323875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   325875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   325875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   325875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   327875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   327875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   327875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   329875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   329875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   329875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   331875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   331875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   331875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   333875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   333875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   333875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   335875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   335875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   335875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   337875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   337875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   337875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   339875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   339875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   339875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   341875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   341875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   341875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   343875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   343875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   343875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   345875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   345875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   345875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   347875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   347875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   347875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   349875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   349875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   349875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   351890 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   351890 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   351890 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   354047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   354047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   354047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   356047 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   356047 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   356047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   358203 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   358203 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   358203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   360219 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   360219 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   360219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   362219 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   362219 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   362219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   364375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   364375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   364375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   366375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   366375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   366375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   368390 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   368390 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   368390 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   370547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   370547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   370547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   372547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   372547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   372547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   374547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   374547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   374547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   376547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   376547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   376547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   378547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   378547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   378547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   380703 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   380703 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   380703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   382703 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   382703 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   382703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   384719 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   384719 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   384719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   387031 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   387031 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   387031 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   389203 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   389203 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   389203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   391203 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   391203 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   391203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   393203 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   393203 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   393203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   395219 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   395219 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   395219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   397219 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   397219 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   397219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   399375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   399375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   399375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   401375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   401375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   401375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   403531 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   403531 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   403531 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   405547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   405547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   405547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   407719 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   407719 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   407719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   409875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   409875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   409875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   411875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   411875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   411875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   413875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   413875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   413875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   416047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   416047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   416047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   418047 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   418047 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   418047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   420203 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   420203 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   420203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   422203 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   422203 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   422203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   424203 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   424203 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   424203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   426375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   426375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   426375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   428375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   428375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   428375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   430375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   430375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   430375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   432375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   432375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   432375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   434375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   434375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   434375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   436547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   436547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   436547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   438547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   438547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   438547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   440703 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   440703 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   440703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   442719 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   442719 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   442719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   444875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   444875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   444875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   447047 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   447047 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   447047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   449047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   449047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   449047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   451219 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   451219 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   451219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   453375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   453375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   453375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   455375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   455375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   455375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   457375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   457375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   457375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   459375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   459375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   459375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   461375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   461375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   461375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   463375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   463375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   463375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   465375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   465375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   465375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   467375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   467375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   467375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   469375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   469375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   469375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   471375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   471375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   471375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   473375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   473375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   473375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   475375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   475375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   475375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   477375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   477375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   477375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   479375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   479375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   479375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   481375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   481375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   481375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   483375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   483375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   483375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   485375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   485375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   485375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   487375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   487375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   487375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   489390 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   489390 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   489390 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   491547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   491547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   491547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   493547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   493547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   493547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   495703 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   495703 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   495703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   497719 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   497719 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   497719 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   499875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   499875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   499875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   501875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   501875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   501875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   503875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   503875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   503875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   505875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   505875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   505875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   507875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   507875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   507875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   509875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   509875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   509875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   511875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   511875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   511875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   513875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   513875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   513875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   515875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   515875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   515875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   517875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   517875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   517875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   519875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   519875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   519875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   521875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   521875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   521875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   523875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   523875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   523875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   525875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   525875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   525875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   527875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   527875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   527875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   530047 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   530047 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   530047 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   532203 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   532203 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   532203 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   534219 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   534219 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   534219 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   536375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   536375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   536375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   538375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   538375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   538375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   540375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   540375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   540375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   542375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   542375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   542375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   544375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   544375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   544375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   546375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   546375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   546375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   548375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   548375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   548375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   550375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   550375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   550375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   552375 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   552375 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   552375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   554375 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   554375 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   554375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   556375 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   556375 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   556375 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   558547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   558547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   558547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   560547 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   560547 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   560547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   562547 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   562547 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   562547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   564547 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   564547 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   564547 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   566703 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   566703 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   566703 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   568875 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   568875 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   568875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   570875 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   570875 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   570875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   572875 Weather Read request (At Aircrft) to area 4: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=28.3, Req=2
   572875 Weather Received (type 4 request, Interpolated): "????&A0 301300Z 00000KT&D0NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 "
   572875 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 4, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=28.3m
   574125 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 400 secs = 62.6 fps
   578500 Weather Read request (Nr Station) to area 5: Lat=30.50, Lon=-86.51, Alt=0.0, Req=1
   578500 Weather Received (type 5 request, Nearest): "KVPS&A25 000000Z 00000KT&D0NG 27020KT&A2000NG 27025KT&A6000NG 100KM&B-449&D3048 2CU057&CU001FNMN000N 6CI393&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   578500 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 5, Lat=30.4993, Lon=-86.5113, Alt=0.0m
   580500 Weather Read request (Global set) to area 1: ICAO="GLOB", Req=0
   580500 Weather Received (type 1 request, (null)): "GLOB&A0 000000Z 00000KT&D985NG 27020KT&A2026NG 27025KT&A6026NG 100KM&B-423&D3048 2CU058&CU001FNMN000N 6CI394&CI001FNMN000N 15/05 Q1013 @@@ 66 15 270 20 | 198 15 270 25 | "
   580500 WX Received in (0 mSecs), WX request type 1, ICAO=GLOB
   587781 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ...
   588781 System time = 21/03/2016 08:23:18, Simulator time = 08:00:03 (13:00Z)
   588781 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Minimum frame rate was 51.2 fps, Maximum was 76.6 fps
Minimum available memory recorded was 1984Mb
Average frame rate for running time of 406 secs = 62.6 fps
Memory managed: 202 Allocs, 202 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

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I sure don't claim to be a PC wiz but I just put P3d v3 on a dedicated drive only for flight sim, are you saying it should have been just within a folder on my "P" drive?


Well, I think so. I suppose it's okay if you never want anything else on it.


Having said that how do I fix the registry and remove FSX and any P3d v2 references?


You'd need to run regedit and delete these two keys:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2


Will look for "FSUIPC4.LOG", 


The FSUIPC4.LOG looks fine, except that you made it extremely long by enabling weather logging. Why did you do that?

Anyway, your ACARS program should work. maybe it doesn't like the version of FS? Isn't there any support for it?


 This whole thing started when a drive was acting up and decided to upgrade to v3. 


You should uninstall old versions properly first, not just delete them.



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