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Problem with Bit Operation


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Hi Paul,

my problems seem to find no end. Bit operation does not work with FSUIPC Client DLL anymore. Setting offsets to values works.


For years I used the following operation to manipulate bits:


Dim PMRecallMomentary As Offset(Of BitArray) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of BitArray)(&H56F9, 1)

PMRecallMomentary.Value.Set(1, True)


Worked perfect. Now the bits do not change anymore.


For further tests I used a slightly different code, as you propose in your documentation:


Dim lights As Offset(Of BitArray) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of BitArray)(&HD0C, 2)

Me.lights.Value(5) = True


Also does not work. Tried the followng work-around:


Lights.Value = Lights.Value Or (2 ^ x)


In that way it works. However, the work-around is not an option, because of to too many required code changes.




- VB 2010

- .Net framework: v4.0.30319

- FSUIPC client DLL version: 3.0.5898.3


I hope you can help me again.



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Hi Paul,

the new DLL seems to have an issue. The name space does not get imported. All offset definitions are shown as error in vb.net.


Replacing the FSUIPCClient dll with the version form 26.02.2016 the name space is imported.



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