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Need Help With Dual CH Products Throttles That Switch

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Hi: I have a registered version of the most recent FSUIPC module (FSUIPC4.949k) in P3D Vers. 3.2, and I have a problem with dual CH Products Throttle Quadrants.  The problem is that I program one set, but then the quadrants are switched the next time that I start up the program (i.e., the assignments for the right hand quadrant gets switched to the left hand quadrant).  I did some searching for a solution, and I have changed AutoAssignLetters=No to Yes, but the switch keeps happening.  It's more annoying than anything else because I keep having to assign the axises, buttons, et c for the right hand quadrant.  Any suggestions. Mike Gutierrez, North Hollywood, California

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Hi: I have a registered version of the most recent FSUIPC module (FSUIPC4.949k) in P3D Vers. 3.2, and I have a problem with dual CH Products Throttle Quadrants.  The problem is that I program one set, but then the quadrants are switched the next time that I start up the program (i.e., the assignments for the right hand quadrant gets switched to the left hand quadrant).  I did some searching for a solution, and I have changed AutoAssignLetters=No to Yes, but the switch keeps happening.  It's more annoying than anything else because I keep having to assign the axises, buttons, et c for the right hand quadrant.  Any suggestions. Mike Gutierrez, North Hollywood, California



FSUIPC does NOT change assignments once set. If the two quadrants are identical in all respects it may be that Windows sees them in a different order each time you boot up, and assigns its IDs in that order. But that would certainly not happen if you mean just restarting P3D.


AutoAssignLetters=Yes will not re-assign previously known and assigned joysticks, it only allows FSUIPC to cope with newly connected ones.


Without seeing your INI file and LOG files I can't really assist much further. Feel free to paste them here.



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