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FSUIPC Error #2

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:oops:  When i sign in with the PIREP and then klik on FS Controls I get This: FSUIPC ERROR # 2: FSUIPC_ERR_NOFS.

  cannot find FSUIPC or Wide FS running on this machine. What does this all mean, and how do i fix it ?? please help thank you. :mrgreen:

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cannot find FSUIPC or Wide FS running on this machine. What does this all mean, and how do i fix it ?? please help thank you                               Dont worry about the PIREP

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cannot find FSUIPC or Wide FS running on this machine. What does this all mean, and how do i fix it ?? please help thank you                               Dont worry about the PIREP


It means what is says, that the code inside whatever program you are trying to use has a problem finding FSUIPC or WideFS or FS!  You either are not running FS or you are but you do not have FSUIPC installed, or you are on a different PC and aren't using WideFS. In other words, it means exactly what it says!


I cannot deal with programming problems in programs I am not responsible for and don't even know, whether it be PIREP or something else "I'm not going to worry about". 



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