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Problem with PMDG

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Hello, Peter. I have the Prepar3d Academic v. and PMDG 737NG Base package (1861-44). When using 2 monitors (Monitor #1 is turned on with the view -2d panel, on the display #2 turned (switch) on - 3d panel) 2d & 3d panel are not synchronize. When an active 2d panel (parameters on flight displays are displayed correctly and are in constant dynamics), the 3d panel is not active (parameters on flight displays are not changed). Can I solve this problem by using FSUIPC or WideFS? Thank you.

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No, sorry. However, I believe L-M are hard at work improving this whole area of P3D.



In default aircraft 2d and 3d panel synchronized. I think maybe the problem is in the PMDG model?

Edited by avar4343
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