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Tower 3D: Planes not taxiing to runway


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I was controlling at PHL 19:00 and instructed TAB1561 to taxi to Rwy 9L. This was acknowledged but not carried out. I took a screen shot (below). I noticed that the gate and the one next to it (nearest the tower) do not seem to have any tugs on them, like the other gates do. Also the problem of aircraft not automatically holding short of runways was present, with several crossing 9L ,unless I told them to hold short of it.



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I once had something similar happen at KPHL too.  Notice how the planes to the left and right are sort of blocking it in.  I may be wrong, but my sense at the time was that because of the position of the aircraft's gate relative to the surrounding aircraft, the plane may not have had enough room to push back (in essence the tug truck driver may not have been smart enough to realize he needed to push the plane straight back all the way back to the main taxiway before turning it.  I recall similar things happening on rare occasions in Tower2011.  If this is the case (and again it may not be here), then you will need to either wait until one or more of the surrounding planes have departed, or you could just delete the plane.  Clearly there are still a few wrinkles that need to be worked out, but I have only seen such things a couple of times.  Best regards.

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14 hours ago, Avwriter said:

I once had something similar happen at KPHL too.  Notice how the planes to the left and right are sort of blocking it in.  I may be wrong, but my sense at the time was that because of the position of the aircraft's gate relative to the surrounding aircraft, the plane may not have had enough room to push back (in essence the tug truck driver may not have been smart enough to realize he needed to push the plane straight back all the way back to the main taxiway before turning it.  I recall similar things happening on rare occasions in Tower2011.  If this is the case (and again it may not be here), then you will need to either wait until one or more of the surrounding planes have departed, or you could just delete the plane.  Clearly there are still a few wrinkles that need to be worked out, but I have only seen such things a couple of times.  Best regards.

The a/c that I am referring to is the second one up and to the left of the a/c facing, which actually prevented the one facing from departing a little while later. I then had to delete TAB1561 so that further blockages where avoided.

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3 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

Unfortunately we were able to duplicate it and it's on the todo list for the SP.


Thank you for your patience

Why is that unfortunate?  That sounds like a positive development to me.  A problem was found and is being corrected.  I guess it is all in one's perspective :-)

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You are so kind :) The unfortunate thing is that it is a real bug and we couldn't catch it before the release. We appreciate your attitude and the whole atmosphere of this forum after the release. 

It's frustrating to see these bugs after knowing how much sleepless nights we had because we were bug testing all night. Dovetail helped us too with some awesome tester team. It's just so sad to see despite the hard work we put behind making sure to test it as much as possible we still left some stuff in the code. Rest assured we work day and night to bring out that SP1 asap :)


Thank you all



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