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Question re: Traffic Zapper

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Registired User FSUIPC 4.  

I just discovered Traffic Zapper (TZ) which will come in handy as I switched my AI Traffic program from UT2 to MyTraffic 6.   UT2 had a method of eliminating any conflicting traffic by pressing a few keys but I haven't found any way to do this with MT6.   

I have TZ working correctly but have not used it in a flight, yet.

Three questions: 

When you "zap" an AI aircraft with Traffic Zapper,  is it permanently gone or is there an interval of a few minutes after which it will return to the pool of AI traffic being displayed?

What is the minimum distance from the AI aircraft you want to zap for it to be effective?

Does it zap only aircraft directly in front of you or will it also zap other AI planes in your immediate vicinity (similar to UT2)?


Thank you,







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1 hour ago, Signalman said:

When you "zap" an AI aircraft with Traffic Zapper,  is it permanently gone or is there an interval of a few minutes after which it will return to the pool of AI traffic being displayed?

Most unlikely. It is just deleted. It won't come back till next time it is scheduled, unless there's a program injecting them (like UT2) which detects them gone and re-injects them just to spite you (unlike UT2).

1 hour ago, Signalman said:

What is the minimum distance from the AI aircraft you want to zap for it to be effective?

No minimum. Do you mean maximum? 0.25nm on the ground, 1.5nm in the air -- but adjustable by you, the user. The answers to this (which is adjustable) and more are given in the Advanced User's guide, starting on page 9.

1 hour ago, Signalman said:

Does it zap only aircraft directly in front of you or will it also zap other AI planes in your immediate vicinity (similar to UT2)?

By default, the former, within an acceptance angle which you can choose.  But there's an option to zap the nearest anywhere around you. See page 10 of the Advanced User's guide.

When you need to find information about FSUIPC the answers are almost invariably in the documentation -- either the User guide or the Advanced one. After all, that's what it is for. And with any PDF viewer you can easily search for items. I just searched for "zapper" for you so I could be specific about the range, and the page numbers.



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