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Tower 3D Time in Game


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Whenever I play this game, the game time just picks up the time where it was when I left the game last time. It does not set to the time I pick in the settings screen. If I pick 0400 hrs at PHL, it starts at PHL but at the the clock time from my last session, currently around 1100. Am I missing something or is this a known bug?

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Thank you! I was getting so frustrated as I got the same schedule every time even if I changed the start time. Now, the game is fun again. Does anybody have a rough flight frequency chart so I can pick game times that challenge me but not overwhelm me as I learn  the game? Thanks, again.

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1 hour ago, GKibby said:

Thank you! I was getting so frustrated as I got the same schedule every time even if I changed the start time. Now, the game is fun again. Does anybody have a rough flight frequency chart so I can pick game times that challenge me but not overwhelm me as I learn  the game? Thanks, again.

No there is nothing like that, but hopefully Nyerges Design will release real Traffic soon which should create a more realistic traffic schedule.  Vic also promised to provide some information on how to modify/create our own schedules.

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