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FSUIPC not calbrating MFG Rudder

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I recently swapped out my Saitek pedals for MFG Crosswind V2.  I am unable to calibrate them and get them to be detected in the sim without enabling controllers.  .ini attached.

Intel Core i7 4790 @ 4.6Ghz, Nvidia GTX 970, Win 10 Pro 64 Bit , REX EP+OD, HOTAS Warthog, MFG Rudders , TIR 5.3

P3D 3.3.5

VRSSuperbug + Tacpack




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1 hour ago, Burner said:

I recently swapped out my Saitek pedals for MFG Crosswind V2.  I am unable to calibrate them and get them to be detected in the sim without enabling controllers.  .ini attached.

Need more information:

1. What does the FSUIPC4.LOG show in the early section, where it logs the devices it scanned?

2. Can you describe more exactly what you mean by "unable to calibrate"? Please note that Calibration in FSUIPC is completely independent from Assignment: it doesn't matter WHERE you assign, in FSUIPC or in FS/P3D, now even how. The calibration works on the FS controls you assign to, not on the joystick inputs.

From the INI file I see:

B=Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals << MISSING JOYSTICK >>

A missing set of rudder pedals, yet you have assignments to it:


Now I don't know if this will make a difference, but if I were you I'd delete all 5 of those lines.

I also only see:

D=MFG Crosswind V2
2=MFG Crosswind V2

which is odd as there should also be:


Since you have "AutoAssignLetters=Yes" set, it should have made that line as well -- or have you edited it? I casn't think of any reaon for it not to have completed this itself as it is done part and parcel with the creation of the D=MFG Crosswind V2 line.

I don't see any assignment to device D in your INI. So maybe that's the problem? No assignment at all, no calibration. Even assignment in FS would allow calibration.



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1.  "1109 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
     1109 Product= MFG Crosswind V2
     1125    Manufacturer= MFG
     1125    Vendor=16D0, Product=0A38 (Version 33.1)
     1140    Serial Number= MFG500002
     1140 Product= Throttle - HOTAS Warthog
     1140    Manufacturer= Thrustmaster
     1140    Vendor=044F, Product=0404 (Version 1.0)
     1140    Serial Number= Thrustmaster
     1140 Product= Joystick - HOTAS Warthog
     1140    Manufacturer= Thustmaster
     1140    Vendor=044F, Product=0402 (Version 1.0)
     1140    Serial Number= Thustmaster"


2.  I'm referring to the joystick calibration tab inside FSUIPC.  The new device is "seen" and axis assigned under that tab.  The calibration tab recognizes inputs from the rudders when controllers are "Enabled"in P3D.  When "Disabled" no inputs are seen under the joystick calibration tab (Rudder and Brake sections).  It is my understanding the controllers are to be disabled inside the sim when using FSUIPC.


My Saitek rudders were removed over 6 months ago and I am unsure how to remove them from that section.  Also, I find it odd that FSUIPC has my HOTAS listed twice.  I did observe that the GUID for the MFG Rudders was not listed twice.  I have not edited the INI in the slightest other than normal programming within the FSUIPC GUI.



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1 hour ago, Burner said:

 I'm referring to the joystick calibration tab inside FSUIPC.  The new device is "seen" and axis assigned under that tab.

I see. That ecplains it. There is no "assignment" possible in "Joystick Calibration". It's only calibration of axes already assigned! That's the whole point. You can assign anywhere. FSUIPC assignments are done in the Axes tab!

That is evidently why you have to assign in FS instead!

I find it puzzling that you do not seem to know this yet your INI file shows that you HAVE made FSUIPC axis assignments before! Quite a lot in fact, and several very sophisticated ones:

0=CX,69,F,65763,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_AILERONS_SET }-
1=CY,1,F,65762,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_ELEVATOR_SET }-
2=AX,1,F,L74:V,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: LuaValue TDC_CursorX }-
3=AY,1,F,L75:V,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: LuaValue TDC_CursorY }-
7=AZ,1,F,66423,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE2_SET }-
8=AR,256,F,66420,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET }-


 It is my understanding the controllers are to be disabled inside the sim when using FSUIPC.

No, not true. Only when ASSIGNING in FSUIPC. It doesn't matter where you assign, but do NOT mix up FSUIPC assignment and FSUIPC assignment. If you do decide to assign in FSUIPC (as you already have for many, as shown above), be sure to disable controllers in FS/P3D

1 hour ago, Burner said:

My Saitek rudders were removed over 6 months ago and I am unsure how to remove them from that section

Just delete the lines I showed in my previous reply, EXACTLY as I suggested there! That's why I gave you those instructions.

1 hour ago, Burner said:

Also, I find it odd that FSUIPC has my HOTAS listed twice.

Er .. once as a Joystick and once as a Throttle. It evidently presents itself to Windows as two devices. Or don't you have both parts?

Surely you do, because you've already somehow made FSUIPC assignments to the Joystick part:

0=CX,69,F,65763,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_AILERONS_SET }-
1=CY,1,F,65762,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_ELEVATOR_SET }-

and FOUR assignments to the Throttle part:

2=AX,1,F,L74:V,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: LuaValue TDC_CursorX }-
3=AY,1,F,L75:V,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: LuaValue TDC_CursorY }-
7=AZ,1,F,66423,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE2_SET }-
8=AR,256,F,66420,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET }-

Are you saying you did all this without knowing what you were doing, or did someone else do it for you?

I just can't understand how you thought you could calibrate unassigned axes.

1 hour ago, Burner said:

I did observe that the GUID for the MFG Rudders was not listed twice.  I have not edited the INI in the slightest other than normal programming within the FSUIPC GUI.

I wouldn't worry about that. The GUID is only used to differentiate between two or more devices with te same name. The GUID is always unique. You've only got one "MFG Crosswind V2".



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i have done quite a bit of programming with FSUIPC using Superscript but that was years ago and perhaps my understanding of this program has gotten rusty. 


I "assign" axis' to my new rudders in FSUIPC but they do not allow me to calibrate them in that tab inside fsuipc. The pedals are recognized in Windows, MFG Configurator, FSUIPC Axis Assignment but there is no input recognized under rudders or tie brakes inside the joystick calibration tab unless I have controllers enabled in P3D. I do not want P3D controlling any of my controllers. My preference is FSUIPC + SS. 


Im not sure what I am doing wrong as it is a simple process. All I do know is that the pedals work everywhere except when using FSUIPC and I must be having a mental malfunction. 



Edited by Burner
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8 hours ago, Burner said:

I "assign" axis' to my new rudders in FSUIPC but they do not allow me to calibrate them in that tab inside fsuipc. The pedals are recognized in Windows, MFG Configurator, FSUIPC Axis Assignment but there is no input recognized under rudders or tie brakes inside the joystick calibration tab unless I have controllers enabled in P3D.

But the calibration tab cannot actually tell WHERE the rudder control messages it intercepts come from, FSUIPC's or P3D's assignments!  It traps those messages FROM FS, no matter who sent them.

I think you need to show me the INI file again, because the only assignment you had to rudder there was to a rudder set no longer connected. That alone could interfere, but I'd hope you'd deleted those lines by now as I've said (twice). What does the calibration tab show for IN and OUT for the rudder?

8 hours ago, Burner said:

My preference is FSUIPC + SS

What's "SS"?



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22 minutes ago, Burner said:

SS=Superscript 2.08

I'm still none the wiser. Sounds like a word processor.

23 minutes ago, Burner said:

INI attached.

You still haven't assigned anything to joystick D, the MFG Crosswind V2. And you STILL haven't deleted those assignments to your removed device B! This is the THIRD time I've advised you to do that!

Look, these are your axis assignments:


0=AX,1,F,L74:V,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: LuaValue TDC_CursorX }-
1=AY,1,F,L75:V,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: LuaValue TDC_CursorY }-
2=AZ,1,F,66423,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE2_SET }-
3=AR,256,F,66420,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET }-
7=CX,69,F,65763,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_AILERONS_SET }-
8=CY,1,F,65762,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_ELEVATOR_SET }-

I see the missing D.GUID line has mysteriously re-appeared, so it is detected correctly:

A=Throttle - HOTAS Warthog
C=Joystick - HOTAS Warthog
D=MFG Crosswind V2
0=MFG Crosswind V2

1=Throttle - HOTAS Warthog
2=Joystick - HOTAS Warthog



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i added the guid for the rudders manually (stickler for detail). 

I'm surprised that you have not heard of superscript. I imagine that you do not fly the VRS Superbug. 

I can delete those lines for joystick B. 

I "assign" axis' to the rudder functions via FSUIPC axis assignment tab and they seem to be detected in the GUI. 

I am unable to "set or calibrate" those axis' under the FSUIPC joystick calibration tab. No inputs are registering in the gui. 

Perhaps I need to record a short video of what I'm doing  

My my goal is to use FSUIPC along with Superscript for all of my needs. 



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34 minutes ago, Burner said:

I "assign" axis' to the rudder functions via FSUIPC axis assignment tab and they seem to be detected in the GUI. 

But as I said, you actually have NOT done this. The assignment would have othjerwise been written to the INI file when you "OK"d out of the FSUIPC settings.

36 minutes ago, Burner said:

am unable to "set or calibrate" those axis' under the FSUIPC joystick calibration tab. No inputs are registering in the gui. 

It cannot register inputs from axes which are not assigned. I keep saying this. We are going in circles!



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Understood. I guess I'm assuming that the axis' are being assigned since it is picking them up in the axis assignment tab and I'm sending to FS as normal axis then hitting OK. 

Im not sure why it is not registering Dx, Dy, and Dr.  That is where the problem is. 

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4 minutes ago, Burner said:

Understood. I guess I'm assuming that the axis' are being assigned since it is picking them up in the axis assignment tab and I'm sending to FS as normal axis then hitting OK.

Can you show a picture of that options window just before you click OK?

5 minutes ago, Burner said:

Im not sure why it is not registering Dx, Dy, and Dr.  That is where the problem is.

Well, yes, there's nothing appearing in your INI file for such changes. Does it record other changes? Try assigning a keystroke in 'Keys" for instance, then see if it got added. If not, perhaps you are getting the file from the wrong place, or it is protected (read only)?




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Sorry to have wasted your time.  Like I said, it has been awhile since I had got into programming with FSUIPC and just now figured out my error.


I was not assigning a function to the axis during assignment.  DOH!

All is well,  Carry On!


BTW I've attached the superscript manual for reference. Very useful tool when combined with FSUIPC

Thanks again for your time and patience,



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