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Sentences parameter GPSout wideclient.ini

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I'm trying to relay NMEA data to a second computer's COM port in my network. I need only the $GPRMC and $GPGGA sentences. In FSX on my main computer, I've selected those two sentences and on the main computer's COM port this works fine. On my 2nd computer, these sentences are also present, however the $GPGSA sentence appears also. This is something I'd like to avoid because I'm working with some hardware that doesn't like data it cannot work with.

I've tried adding a sentence parameter, but this doesn't seem to work on WideClient, this is an extract from WideClient.ini:


Is this something that is possible?


Cheers, Jens


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3 hours ago, jensvanhoof said:

I've tried adding a sentence parameter, but this doesn't seem to work on WideClient, this is an extract from WideClient.ini:


Er, the "Sentences" parameter is nonsense to WideClient. It isn't WideClient which extracts the data and makes the sentences, it is FSUIPC. The Sentences parameter only ever goes into the FSUIPC settings -- but you select the sentences in the FSUIPC options tab for it! WideClient only receives sentences which FSUIPC sends it, no more. So you evidently have the GSA sentence sleected in FSUIPC!

BTW you posted your question in the "FAQ" subforum, which is NOT a support place -- you are lucky I saw it. Please ALWAYS post questions to the main support forum.



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Allright Thanks. I doublechecked, 'GSA' is not selected



On my main computer running FSUIPC the GSA sentence is not relayed either, as advertised. So there it works fine. However on the client side it does. Anywhere else it could come from?

Cheers, Jens

PS sorry for the wrong forum

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20 minutes ago, jensvanhoof said:

Allright Thanks. I doublechecked, 'GSA' is not selected



On my main computer running FSUIPC the GSA sentence is not relayed either, as advertised. So there it works fine. However on the client side it does. Anywhere else it could come from?

Cheers, Jens

PS sorry for the wrong forum

There's no code to make sentences in the Client, so I've really no idea. Try logging the stuff being received in the Client -- 


should do the trick. The GPSout data received from FSUIPC should be logged (plus other stuff I think).



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