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KJFK SP new interesting night lighting


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The new night lighting is interesting.  I gather this is a sort of experiment in creating pleasing effects while managing performance.  Perhaps not realistic with the pale glowing sky, but it is eerily reminiscent of the white nights seen in Scandinavia and northern Russia.  Kind of fun, in a surreal kind of way.  Be sure to keep this effect in mind in case one of your add-ons would be Helsinki - Vantaa or St. Petersburg - Pulkovo. 

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I just wanted to update my impressions of the night lighting.  The previous statement was based on a session at 22:00. which in New York should be fully dark even in late June.  However, I will note that changing the time to 03:00 does result in a fully dark sky.  Regardless, I am pleased with the enhanced lighting and color on the ground.  Looks much better than before the SP.

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30 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

Unfortunately the bright night is a bug and will be fixed along with the trees on one of the runway.

I see.  That explains it.  Nevertheless, sometime good things come from mistakes :-)  I was not kidding about the idea of doing some northern airports, please make a note of how the effect was produced for future reference.  Perhaps one of the 3rd parties might some day want to make PANC or EFHK.  Either would actually be rather good possibilities for Tower 3D

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