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I bought E-Jets v2 from steam the other day.  After getting it all installed and setup, there was no weather radar.  I looked in their forum and the ejets v2 (official) discussion was that fsx:se doesn't use fsuipc so they didn't have the weather radar included.  The thing is I've been using fsuipc since fs2000 and have the registered version for fsx.  I use it with all my addons i.e. pmdg, level-d wilcos 737 and others with no problem.  I have the fswxr2100.gau, but I don't have the coordinates in the panel.cfg to add it to my ejet 175 & 195. 

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Would I get a discount since I did buy the se version.  I don't know why Steam says it can't use FSUIPC.  I've been using it long before steam.  It works fine, but steam uses the FSUIPC excuse for not having the wxr radar.  I have it in the feelthere 737.

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