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Thruster rev not copying over

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Using FSUIPC v 4.975b (registered). 

I've successfully calibrated Thruster 1 for reverse thrust, low & high idle, and max thrust in Joystick Calibration, Page 3 (Separate throttles ...). It looks like I installed my slide pots in the wrong direction b/c I need to have the directions reversed (Rev.). Selecting 1->2,3,4, throttle two *should* be reversed as throttle one is (?), but it's not. When I move slider 1 up, the throttle lever in game moves up (as it should if reversed). When I move slider two up, the lever moves done. 

I can work around it by going through the setup process for number two the same as the first and selecting 'rev' for throttle two. 

Both axes are set to "Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration."

Edited by median
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5 hours ago, median said:

I've successfully calibrated Thruster 1 for reverse thrust, low & high idle, and max thrust in Joystick Calibration, Page 3 (Separate throttles ...). It looks like I installed my slide pots in the wrong direction b/c I need to have the directions reversed (Rev.). Selecting 1->2,3,4, throttle two *should* be reversed as throttle one is (?), but it's not. When I move slider 1 up, the throttle lever in game moves up (as it should if reversed). When I move slider two up, the lever moves done. 

Sorry, I'm confused. Do you have 1, or 2 throttle axes? It sounds here like you have 2::

5 hours ago, median said:

Both axes are set to "Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration."

If you have 2 exes, you certainly shouldn't be mapping 1->2,3,4!   You should assign lever 1 to Throttle 1, lever 2 to Throttle 2, then calibrate both separately on the separate throttles calibration tab. Each has its own REV option. If you need to reverse axes you need to do that BEFORE calibrating.

Then, once set and working correctly for engines 1 and 2, you can map 1->12, 2->34 if you wish. You don't get separate "REV" options for mapped axes because they are set as an exact copy of the one you map from.

5 hours ago, median said:

I can work around it by going through the setup process for number two the same as the first and selecting 'rev' for throttle two. 

That sounds more like "doing it correctly", rather than "working around it"?



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Ok, I'm doing it right! Hooray! 

It would be nice if my multiple throttles could have identical idle stops and deltas automatically. The levers are right next to each other, so if those settings are different from throttle to throttle, it get messy. Setting the idle stops and deltas (which are especially fidgety) takes a bit of time which seems unnecessary. Even a text entry box for values would work. 

Thanks for the speedy reply. 

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2 hours ago, median said:

It would be nice if my multiple throttles could have identical idle stops and deltas automatically.

Nice, but not really that realistic. Perhaps when aircraft are fresh out of the factory all the mechanisms are exact and the engines identically performing, but not as they get used.

Anyway, your "idle" positions should be EXACTLY equal, because the idle positions are one of the three normal positions you calibbrate! If you haven't got them in the same place it is your error for not calibrating them to the same place. There's even a range for idel, two positions with idle in between, so it's easy, with no excuse.

If yo want it to match in most other places, then use the Sync Pos option -- you can calibrate many points to match, all the way. The facilities are there, it is up to you to use them if you wish! See page 52 in the User Guide.

2 hours ago, median said:

Setting the idle stops and deltas (which are especially fidgety) takes a bit of time

Er, why?

First, why change the Deltas? The default is fine. There's no point in changing them. All you should be doing on the Axis assignments tab is assigning the axes. Leave the rest well alone.

Second, calibrating is simply clicking a button for minimum, two buttons for the idle area, and one button for max. That's it. How is it "fiddly" and how does it take more than about 30 seconds?

I get the feeling that you are not following the simple step by step instructions for calibration given in the User guide, or are completely misunderstanding something which is really easy!

2 hours ago, median said:

which seems unnecessary.

Unnecessary? Of course calibration is "unnecessary", bu if you don't want calibrated axes why on Earth bother using FSUIPC? FS should be sufficient surely? After all it is intended to work with external controls. And if your controls are so perfect, so clearly matched, there wouldn't be a problem, would there?

2 hours ago, median said:

Even a text entry box for values would work. 

But if you know the values without even moving the lever, why bother?  The point of calibration is that no two axes are the same and without recording the positions you need, by simply moving the lever and clicking a button, values you might conjure up would be relatively meaningless. How are they going to match?

And entering 4 numbers requires up to 20 digits on the keyboard. Why is that easier or quicker than 4 clicks on the mouse?

Sorry, very little you say is making any real sense! :-(

If you know all the numbers for the correct positions on all your axes, just enter them directly in the calibration section of the INI file. The format of most of the INI file entries is documented in the Advanced User guide, and where it isn't it is pretty obvious in any case.



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What doesn't make sense is putting an ambiguously labelled assignment function next to calibration functions under a calibration tab; it would make more sense under axis assignment. 

Also puzzling is why you spend more time writing belittling e-mails to paying customers instead of improving your UI. 

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6 hours ago, median said:

What doesn't make sense is putting an ambiguously labelled assignment function next to calibration functions under a calibration tab; it would make more sense under axis assignment. 

What "ambiguously labelled assignment function"? There's no assignments possible at all in the Calibtration Tab! The calibration part deals solely with FS control functions, not axis or button inputs. And it doesn't matter where the assignment is made, in FS or in FSUIPC, or even from a third part application!

Calibration works by intercepting the axis commands being RECEIVED by FS, after any assignment anywhere, and altering the values actually being fed in, at the last stage.

Historically the calibration facilities were there first, assignment in FSUIPC came a lot later and s completely separate. Assignment was from user requests, primarily (or even solely at the time) to allow different assignmetns for different aircraft types, something FS couldn't achieve, and also dual controls for such equipped cockpit builds.

I think you are completely misunderstanding things, and strongly suggest you actually read a bit more of the documentation, or try reading it again. In the 18 years of FSUIPC I've never had such bewildering misaimed criticism of the interface.

And, sorry, but I'm not about to start reworking any part of FSUIPC at this late stage. I'm 73 years old now and think it is about time I got on and did some other things. I try to support it as well as I can, and keep pace with all the changes to FS/P3D which are rather unexpected after a life of 9 years since Microsoft withdrew, but that's as far as I'll go. Well, except for minor additions on request from time to time.

I'm closing this thread now as it is obviously going nowhere useful at all.




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