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Brake issue with Logitech X3D

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I have the paid version of fsuipc. Running FSX and my current pc will not handle all of my Saitek controls.,so  I am currently using a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick. I am unable to get the correct brake assignment, and no matter what I do,I keep getting differential brakes displayed but no Braking action. When uninstalled Fsuipc, everything was back to normal. Thanks

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Just now, Leon said:

I am unable to get the correct brake assignment, and no matter what I do,I keep getting differential brakes displayed but no Braking action. When uninstalled Fsuipc, everything was back to normal.

Without more information I can't really help. It certainly sounds like poor calibration, or you forget to do something like reverse the axeis beforehand. How do you actually assign brakes to a joystick? Are you using the elevator or aileron axis, or something else?

Best thing is to show me your complete FSUIPC4.INI file (from the modules folder). That contains al your FSUIPC settings.

I would also need to know whether you've disabled controllers in FSX.

BTW, if FS is displaying "differential brakes" it does mean there is braking action occurring, presumably just not the amount you expected. Also that just means the inputs on left and right aren't the same -- another indication of poor calibration, unless you are actually applying differential pressure which seems unlikely without separate axes as on toe brakes..

Also, if you assigned in FSUIPC, tell me whether the numbers in the assignments tab increase when you press the brakes, or descrease.



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