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Hi Everyone , i have a question about deleting a profile. I have a saitek yoke and i created a profile called boeing. in the profile folders i have then two profiles AIRBUS and BOEING. Today arrived a saitek yoke cessna and ii will unplug the other saitek yoke to plug the new one. To create the profiles again should i only delete the ini file in the profile folder and ten the assigned aircraft in the  FSUIPC folder or i need to do other things? 




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6 minutes ago, infopaghe@gmail.com said:

To create the profiles again should i only delete the ini file in the profile folder and ten the assigned aircraft in the  FSUIPC folder or i need to do other things? 

Why do you want to create it again rather than edit it in the FSUIPC options?

INI files in the Profiles folder are indexed via the [Profile.name] sections in the main INI file, so that they only need to be read when one of the aircraft listed in that main INI section is loaded. If you are not changing that part, only the contents of the separate profile INI, then you can do what you like with it -- whilst FS is not running, or at least no participating aircraft is loaded.

If you just want to start again it would be best to delete the assignment and calibration sections only, not the file itself, because it is being referenced via the main INI file references. If you wanted to delete the Profile completely you'd need to delete that section in the main INI too.



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