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Wide FS in P3D v3 Multiplayer / C program

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I tried today to fly in the multiplayer session with 2 distant PC on P3D v3.2 and via Internet (connected directly by IP).

The server for the session was a PC without Wide FS. The client was on a setup with 3 PC connected via Wide FS. I made some programs to display instruments on a remote PC. These programs are in C using IPC and FSUIPC libraries (definitions... in IPCuser.h, IPCuser.c, FSUIPC_User.h). Everything works fine until I connect to multiplayer.

Since I'm connected the displayed values on the instruments are those of the aircraft on the server PC for the session.

Did you experienced such a behaviuour? Did I made a mistake in the programs?

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4 hours ago, Michel Merle said:

Since I'm connected the displayed values on the instruments are those of the aircraft on the server PC for the session.

Did you experienced such a behaviuour? Did I made a mistake in the programs?

Sorry, I'm lost. The displayed values are the values for the aircraft, right?  So what is wrong? FSUIPC simply reads the values it gets direct from SimConnect, using the user aircraft ID. Are you saying it is providing the values for someone else's aircraft?



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Don't be sorry. It's due to my bad English. :-)

Yes, the values are provided by the distant PC over Internet and not the one that I made the setup for. But only when I'm connected in a Multiplayer session. The values come from the right PC (in the local network) when I'm not in multiplayer mode.

Sorry I don't have the log files at the moment, but I remember to have set PC name instead of IP address. The all 4 PCs have different names. Maybe I'll have to force by IP address in the config files...


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3 hours ago, Michel Merle said:

Yes, the values are provided by the distant PC over Internet and not the one that I made the setup for. But only when I'm connected in a Multiplayer session. The values come from the right PC (in the local network) when I'm not in multiplayer mode

Hmm. It sounds like SimConnect is using the normal user ID for the MP aircraft and not sending me an update with the new local ID. (I wish IDs would stay the same for the one local user ID).

3 hours ago, Michel Merle said:

Sorry I don't have the log files at the moment, but I remember to have set PC name instead of IP address. The all 4 PCs have different names. Maybe I'll have to force by IP address in the config files...

I don't think that'll make any difference. The data is obtained by FSUIPC from the sim it is running in.

I'd check into it, but I can't with P3D 3.2. That's too much out of date. Any reason you've not moved on to 3.4? 3.4.14 is the current one. It might be a bug which is fixed.

Meanwhile, try this test version of FSUIPC, FSUIPC4958f.zip

This one logs the User ID it receives, and does actually use it now. Previously (at least since version 4.10) it seemed better to default the user ID.

Check the log. See if you get a different User ID logged anywhere. The first one, when you start up, will be 1 I think, always, logged like this:

User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used

If it still doesn't work, try forcing FSUIPC to re-connect to SimConnect after you switch to MP. Youcan do that with a keypress or button assigned to the control in the drop-down assignments list called "Re-simconnect".




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Thank you Pete!!!

I'll try on next Saturday as the simulator is not in my home.

I didn't update P3D for now because it requires several changes on all the PC (AS Next....) and tests and I don't have time to do it. But I will, I guess during Christmast holidays ;-)

Anyway, I'll check with 4.958f version and let you know what User ID it receives.

Thank you to be always there to help and improve things if necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...


So I updated to the last FSUIPC and WideFS versions, 4958 + 4958f and 6999z2.

I thought I was OK first because at first run of P3D, programs on PC Instruments showed the value of PC Visu (master with P3D). I ran again P3D and instruments showed values of the PC over Internet, so not for the good aircraft like before the update.

Anyway you have all the datas zipped by PC. It has been recorded after the problem occurs again. On PC Supervision I have a program to record time of use based on some offsets and it works fine.

Hope it could help to find what's wrong.

pc visu.zip

pc supervision.zip

pc instruments.zip

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43 minutes ago, Michel Merle said:

Anyway you have all the datas zipped by PC. It has been recorded after the problem occurs again. On PC Supervision I have a program to record time of use based on some offsets and it works fine.

Hope it could help to find what's wrong.

I've not opened all that stuff, I'm not interested in proof that it goes wrong because I believe you.

Did you try the reconnection to SimConnect after changing to multiplayer as I suggested?I

And what about just showing me the FSUIPC4.LOG? I deliberately added a line which logs the user aircraft ID whenever a change is noted.

I did tell you these things. Please refer to my previous answer.

BTW are you the only person out there using multiplayer, with FSX or P3D? I'd be interested to know if this problem is specific to P3D, because if it is it will be up t Lockheed-Martin to fix it -- FSUIPC is doing the same with both FSX and P3D. There is no difference required in any of the SimConnect interface it uses.

Of course it may be specific just to your system, but I've no idea what the reason could be for that. I think it would still need the P3D guys in L-M to resolve it.



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