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Ground Friction - Helo Skids

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Is it possible to control the ground friction associated with helicopter skids using FSUIPC?  I have a couple helicopters that will slowly spin while sitting on the ground.   If I apply some collective the spinning can be neutralized.  This only happens on some of my helo models.  I have looked through the air files and the aircraft.cfg files for a parameter that might address the ground friction/adhesion with no success.  





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28 minutes ago, RCFlyer said:

Is it possible to control the ground friction associated with helicopter skids using FSUIPC?

I don't really know. Is that covered by the frictions table which can be altered? If not I guess you'd need some sort of program to manipulate the ground speed and angular velocities in the appropriate circumstances.

Have you tried using the changed frictions offered in the Lua plug-ins supplied?



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33 minutes ago, RCFlyer said:

I have looked at the friction tables contained in the Lua plug-ins and saw no references to skids, only wheels.  I do use the dynamic friction plug-in, but, it doesn't seem to impact the helicopters in question.  

Sorry, then, I haven't a clue. I really don't know anything about the frictions tables in FS/P3D. someone else discovered them, inside SIM1.DLL. He used to provide patched versions of the DLL, but that is really not a good idea and can mess things up, so I just programmed the same patch at run time, and later added a way to change it dynamically via a Lua plug-in.

Maybe you need to park facing into wind (as I think most light aircraft tend to do also, if I remember from my pilot training days)?


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