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Axis and button assignments have life of their own.

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Two days ago a strange phenomenon started to happen in my FSUIPC. When I open the FSUIPC Window in any of the already setup aircrafts or even with a new one, in the axis assignment window as well as in the button assignment window things start happening automatically. Assigned and non assigned buttons of my appear automatically in their windows. Buttons with assignments with their respective function  and non assigned ones just pop in and out of the window. Changing frequency between 5 and 12 seconds. There seems to be no apparent pattern to it. In flight this leads to uncontrolled landing gear or flaps retractions or extensions. It all seems to happen on Joy 0 which is the throttle controller part on my Saitek X-55 Rhino.
When the simulator is in PAUSE it happens less frequently.

I unplugged the joysticks, did several restarts, but the problem still exists. Has anybody had a similar experience and/or any advise how to fix it ??

Thank you

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I think that can only be caused by a faulty controller, or worse a faulty USB hub or chip. When you say 

3 hours ago, alphons10 said:

I unplugged the joysticks, did several restarts, but the problem still exists.

do you mean that this still happens when the relevant joystick (joy 0) is unplugged? If so it must surely be the USB side of things. If it was plugged into an external hub try plugging instead into the PC directly. If already direct, try a different socket.

Note that the joystick number (ID) might change if you move it to a different socket. If you want to avoid that happening (now or in the future) you should first get FSUIPC to use joystick letters. There's a chapter about that in the User Guide. It's easy enough to do -- a one line change in the INI file before running FS will accomplish it the simplest way.



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