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Problem with Fsuipc activating PageUp key

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Hi Pete

I have a registered copy of fsuipc v4.4959e. Using FSX steam (DX10), PMDG 737NGX with ECZA v2 on Windows 7.

Following installation of the new ECZA v2, I have allocated various keyboard commands to fsuipc including arrow up down, left and right arrows and PageUp and PageDown keys. All work well except the button allocated to the PageUp key.

The PageUp key on the keyboard functions correctly but as stated not when using the allocated button. Also the PageUp command is setup in ECZA v2. I have carefully checked the settings of the allocation and all appears correct. Fsuipc recognises the button and just to confirm the box to continue the action whilst the button is pressed is ticked. In addition just to check that there is no problem with the button I have allocated alternative fsuipc commands without a problem. This problem was also present when using 4.4959 before upgrading to 'e'.

Any help or thoughts, please.

Martin Plain

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2 hours ago, MartinP said:

The PageUp key on the keyboard functions correctly but as stated not when using the allocated button. Also the PageUp command is setup in ECZA v2.

Sorry, I'm confused. What did you assign the button to, exactly?  What did you expect to happen? Is ECZA's use of PageUp intended, or is this the problem?  I'm afraid that I'm not really seeing any explanation about what you think is wrong.

FSUIPC cannot and does not distinguish between key presses being assigned. It just sends them when requested. If this is resulting in something unintended then something else is picking up that keypress. OR, perhaps, the button press is actually doing more than you intended.

To find out more, please use FSUIPC's logging -- enable Button & Key logging and press your button. The log will then show what is occurring.



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Hi Pete, thanks for speedy reply. I'll try and be a lot clearer.

ECZA v2 has keyboard settings which when operated enable the user to move the camera view in use to any desired position, forwards, backwards, left, right, up and down.

In the default settings for ECZA the up and down movement of the eyepoint camera is located to PageUp and PageDown keys. Without making any key assignments in FSUIPC, if I go to my keyboard and press PageUp key, the view in the sim will move up, conversely pressing the PageDown key will result in the view moving down the screen. So working satisfactorily. My expectations were that when I assigned these two keys to FSUIPC, that the result would be entirely similar to using the keyboard.

However as previously stated, whereas the button assigned to PageDown key produced the downward movement, the button assigned to PageUp failed to produce any movement.

As requested I instigated button and key logging (for brevity I have edited out all the cosiderable repitions whilst keys were held). Although it is of course for you to judge it appears from the log that the assignments have been set up correctly and that FSUIPC is sending key requests into the sim.

Since my original post I have looked into this a little more. In ECZA I changed the default settings around so that PageUp was allocated to down movement and PageDown to up. The result was that moving up was now possible but no longer able to move down. I further reset the ECZA assignments using 1 to move up and PageDown to move down. Similar assignments were made in FSUIPC. The result is that now the ECZA cameras are moving as they should. The satisfactory response is also logged below.

I have also been able to re-assign PageUp to Arm Spoilers (swapping this previous key setting to ECZA Up).

So I am faced with the conclusion that ECZA does not like the re-assignment of the PageUp key and is blocking its use. The camera movements now work as they are intended, so unless you, Pete have any observations, please consider the matter satisfactorily closed.

My thanks for a great product, which I have used for many years now.



328 Product= CH PRO PEDALS USB
      328    Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS
      328    Vendor=068E, Product=00F2 (Version 0.0)
      328    Serial Number=
      328 Product= CH THROTTLE QUADRANT
      344    Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS
      344    Vendor=068E, Product=00FA (Version 0.0)
      344    Serial Number=
      344 Product= CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB
      344    Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS
      344    Vendor=068E, Product=00FF (Version 0.0)
      344    Serial Number=


112165 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, Pressed
   112165 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K33,8
   112165 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4 (RepeatDelayCtr=1)
   112165 SendKeyToFS(00000021=[PgUp], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   112181 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=33 (Scan code 73), Ctr=1
   112196 KEYDOWN: VK=33, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0
   112196 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   112337 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   112337 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K33,8
   112337 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   112337 SendKeyToFS(00000021=[PgUp], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   112337 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=33 (Scan code 73), Ctr=1
   112368 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   112368 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K33,8
   112368 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   112368 SendKeyToFS(00000021=[PgUp], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   112368 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, (Result 4)
   112368 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K33,8
   112368 KEYDOWN: VK=33, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=0
   112368 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   112368 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=33 (Scan code 73), Ctr=1
   112399 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   112399 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K33,8

   113553 KEYUP: VK=33, Waiting=0


115285 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, Pressed
   115285 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   115285 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5 (RepeatDelayCtr=1)
   115285 SendKeyToFS(00000022=[PgDn], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   115285 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=34 (Scan code 81), Ctr=1
   115316 KEYDOWN: VK=34, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0
   115316 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   115426 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   115426 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   115426 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   115426 SendKeyToFS(00000022=[PgDn], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   115426 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=34 (Scan code 81), Ctr=1
   115457 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   115457 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   115457 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   115457 SendKeyToFS(00000022=[PgDn], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   115457 KEYDOWN: VK=34, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=0
   115457 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   115457 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=34 (Scan code 81), Ctr=1
   115488 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   115488 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8

   115940 KEYUP: VK=34, Waiting=0

303375 *** Entered Buttons option page ***
   317509 FirstButtonChange res=00000204 (0.2, 4)
   334888 FirstButtonChange res=00000205 (0.2, 5)
   342485 FirstButtonChange res=00000204 (0.2, 4)
   347493 FirstButtonChange res=00000205 (0.2, 5)
   350269 *** Exiting Buttons option page ***


   388115 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, Pressed
   388115 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   388115 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5 (RepeatDelayCtr=1)
   388115 SendKeyToFS(00000022=[PgDn], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   388115 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=34 (Scan code 81), Ctr=1
   388146 KEYDOWN: VK=34, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0
   388146 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   388256 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   388256 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   388256 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   388256 SendKeyToFS(00000022=[PgDn], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   388256 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=34 (Scan code 81), Ctr=1
   388287 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   388287 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   388287 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   388287 SendKeyToFS(00000022=[PgDn], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   388287 KEYDOWN: VK=34, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=0
   388287 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   388287 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=34 (Scan code 81), Ctr=1
   388318 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   388318 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   388536 KEYUP: VK=34, Waiting=0


   391454 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, Pressed
   391454 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K49,8
   391454 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4 (RepeatDelayCtr=1)
   391454 SendKeyToFS(00000031=[1], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   391454 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=49 (Scan code 2), Ctr=1
   391485 KEYDOWN: VK=49, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0
   391485 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   391594 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   391594 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K49,8
   391594 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   391594 SendKeyToFS(00000031=[1], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   391594 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=49 (Scan code 2), Ctr=1
   391625 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   391625 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K49,8
   391625 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4 (RepeatDelayCtr=11)
   391625 SendKeyToFS(00000031=[1], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   391625 KEYDOWN: VK=49, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=0
   391625 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS
   391625 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=49 (Scan code 2), Ctr=1
   391656 Button held, flags=X04, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, (RepeatOk sets 2)
   391656 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K49,8
   391812 KEYUP: VK=49, Waiting=0

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As you can clearly see from the log, FSUIPC is doing exactly the same, correct, thing, with either button:


   112165 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4, Pressed
   112165 [Buttons] 36=R2,4,K33,8
   112165 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=4 (RepeatDelayCtr=1)
   112165 SendKeyToFS(00000021=[PgUp], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   112181 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=33 (Scan code 73), Ctr=1
That is the keypress being sent.

And here it is detected by FSUIPC:
   112196 KEYDOWN: VK=33, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0
   112196 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS


   388115 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5, Pressed
   388115 [Buttons] 37=R2,5,K34,8
   388115 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=2, Btn=5 (RepeatDelayCtr=1)
   388115 SendKeyToFS(00000022=[PgDn], KEYDOWN) ctr=0
   388115 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=34 (Scan code 81), Ctr=1

   388146 KEYDOWN: VK=34, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0
   388146 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

The actions of FSUIPC are indistinguishable apart from which ke it is which gets sent. As I said, FSUIPC doesn't care at all what keypress it is, it makes no distinction whatsoever.

So you have something else intercepting and using the PgUp keypress when it arrives this way. You need to look for that.




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