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Go Language with FSUIPC

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2 hours ago, AndrewMoneron said:

Is it possible to talk with FSUIPC/WideFS with Go Lang?

If you can implement the interface correctly, I don't see why not. Do you have access through it to Windows APIs? Study the C/C++ source provided for the interface in the SDK.

2 hours ago, AndrewMoneron said:

Preferably want to talk from linux. Reason I ask is that I am writing some Glass Cockpits that run can run on a pie in opengl and Go Language.

Well, there's no WideClient implemented for Unix, and there's no documentation for the WideFS TCP or UDP data formats used.

You'd need to write a Windows-based server program to run on the FS PC (or a WideClient networked PC), which interfaces to FSUIPC (or SimConnect), and then talk to it over the Network from your "pie" using whatever protocol you need.



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