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Good evening Pete,

With the version 4.959 the offset 6C1C, IRS aligned, went from 0 to 1. With the version 4.962a this offset 6C1C remains at 0.

As I use a programming that expects this value 1 you have an explanation ?

Do I need to go back to the previous version ?

In advance I thank you for your answer.
Last P3D version.


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15 minutes ago, Nervures said:

With the version 4.959 the offset 6C1C, IRS aligned, went from 0 to 1. With the version 4.962a this offset 6C1C remains at 0.

As I use a programming that expects this value 1 you have an explanation ?

Sorry, I don't know what is changed. I recently added the PMDG 747 data, mapped to the same locations, but that would not conflict as you can only have one aircraft loaded at a time.

I have not knowingly changed the 737NG or 777X offset mapping in the process of adding the 747 ones.

I don't have any PMDG aircraft, so you'll need to tell me. Are all of the PMDG 777X offsets unpopulated? Can you check as many as you can please?




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Hi Pete,

For the moment it is the only offset that is problematic.

I monitor the FSUIPC offsets with linda.

FSUIPC4.log version 4.959:

270802 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x6C1C = 0
   273360 LUA.2: LINDA:: Watching new offset: 6C1C:UB:DEC:*1/1 = 0

882747 LUA.6: PLVfin. PLV 777 annonce.lua.
   882809 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x66D3 = 0
   909579 LUA.7: GsxDep = 1. Valeur <4 ou 5. PBR du GSX.lua.
   909579 LUA.7: key PBR = 49
   909641 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x66C5 = 1
   911701 LUA.7: Pushback nose right demandé. PBR GSX.lua.
   911716 LUA.7: GsxBoard = 5 PBR GSX.lua.
   911716 LUA.7: GsxDep = 1. Valeur <4 ou 5. PBR du GSX.lua.
   996284 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x6C1C = 1               
   996456 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x66D3 = 1
  1008312 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x66D3 = 0

FSUIPC4.log version 4.962a

183270 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x6C1C = 0
   184018 LUA.2: LINDA:: Watching new offset: 6C1C:UB:DEC:*1/1 = 0

774420 LUA.6: PLVfin. PLV 777 annonce.lua.
   774498 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x66D3 = 0
   787773 LUA.8: GsxDep = 1. Valeur <4 ou 5. PBR du GSX.lua.
   787773 LUA.8: key PBR = 49
   787929 LUA.2: LINDA:: [O] Offset: UB 0x66C5 = 1
   789911 LUA.8: Pushback nose right demandé. PBR GSX.lua.
   789911 LUA.8: GsxBoard = 5 PBR GSX.lua.
   789911 LUA.8: GsxDep = 1. Valeur <4 ou 5. PBR du GSX.lua.

Stop programming. Offset does not go to 1. IRS aligned in the 777.




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23 minutes ago, Nervures said:

For the moment it is the only offset that is problematic.

I monitor the FSUIPC offsets with linda.

So others, in the same data block, are okay? 

FSUIPC just receives the entire data set in one block from SimConnect. It doesn't interfere with any of it.  Because the data was too large for the space, it just splits it into two parts:

6420 - 65EB and
6C00 - 6CEC

If something was going wrong, the whole of one or the other would be wrong. 

I've no idea what all those crossed out lines in your last message are about, but there's nothing there about any other 777X offsets, so which other 777X offsets have you checked?

As I said, I can't check here. I've never had the 777X. I need to know if all the data is wrong, or just the second part, or only isolated values. If it is just isolated values that must be some other interference, because the data is moved en bloc from the memory supplied by Simconnect.



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I've looked at the code, and I think I might have messed up the offset for the second 777X data area when I added the 747 data, which is also wrong. I'm just fixing both now. If you write to me at petedowson@btconnect.com I'll send you a revised version (tomorrow) which I'd like you to check for me and let me know.



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