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Tower 3D Pro Voice Recognition Questions & Issue

Zach Rawson

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Hope everyone is doing well.

I bought Tower 3D Pro two days ago and cannot for the life of me get the Voice Recognition to work.

First question: Is the voice recogniton software suppose to open when I run the game? Because mine does not. Also when I open it manually it still does not work when LEFT SHIFT is pressed. Everytime I launch the game as well it is in ADMIN. 

I hear the aircraft but cannot communicate to them. I have gone through the speech recognition training yet still does not work it is also set to OFF. Tower! 2011 never had this problem however tower3d pro does. 

Let me know if I need to provide any other information.


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Since no one has yet to reply to your question I shall try to answer it by saying there are quite a lot of previous answers to be found on the forum pages, having said that have you set the speech recognition to English ( USA).  this is found under Settings Time and Language. In Region and Language I added a language pack English USA. ,,   Country or region USA.,,  then make sure that admin rights are on in the mmwindow  application folder.  Use the properties for admin rights instead of launching the program with admin rights.  Best of Luck

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