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FSUIPC5 isn't in P3dv4

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At first time, sorry for my bad English.

I install FSUIPC5.  On the install log is all ok, but I run P3Dv4 and FSUIPC is not on the add-ons menu, is not anywhere.

I read the pdf file with isntructions and  Ithink that I do it all steps correct. Maybe I have only one quetion: On the step 5, what is "special permissions" for the modules folder? On my Spanish windows 10, I add in "SEGURIDAD", "Control total" on all users for this folder. Is this correct?

The dll.xml file is on the correct path.

Attached the install log file.

Thanks for your help and I am waiting for buy the license :-)

FSUIPC5 Install.log

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2 hours ago, José Adolfo Medina said:

I read the pdf file with isntructions and  Ithink that I do it all steps correct. Maybe I have only one quetion: On the step 5, what is "special permissions" for the modules folder? On my Spanish windows 10, I add in "SEGURIDAD", "Control total" on all users for this folder. Is this correct?

That's okay. That's only a precaution in any case. The installer normally copes without worrying about that.

2 hours ago, José Adolfo Medina said:

The dll.xml file is on the correct path.

It would be useful for me to see that, please.

Also, can you check the Modules folder in P3D4. Is there an FSUIPC5.LOG file there? If so, I need to see that.



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24 minutes ago, José Adolfo Medina said:

Attach three files: The install log inside F:\Prepar3D v4\Modules, a picture of the folder where is dll.xml and the file dll.xml

You allready supplied the Install log, and I certainly didn't need pictures of anything!.

Your DLL.XML already has many entries. How come? Are all those DLLs ready for P3D4 already? Look:

        <Path>D:\IVAO\IvAp v2\ivap_fsx_bootstrap.dll</Path>
        <Name>Air Manager</Name>
        <Path>F:\Prepar3D v4\Modules\Air Manager\AirManager.dll</Path>

There's a > missing at the end of that last line above.  That will certainly make the DLL.XML file fail to load FSUIPC.  My installer would not have removed that -- it must have been a bad file beforehand.

There's also an extra unwanted line after that missing >:


So, at least two faults in the file before the added FSUIPC entry.

Also I am pretty sure few if any of those are 64-bit DLLs which can be properly loaded and run in P3Dv4. Have you just copied your P3Dv3 (or, worse, FSX) DLL.XML across? You cannot do that! DLL's are run inside the P3D process, and must be 64-bit versions for P3Dv4!

Try removing the DLL.XML file and re-running the FSUIPC4 installer.



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Hi Pete thanks for updating this so quickly my problem  is not installing it it's finding the download! and trying to pay for it  can you confirm the location please none of the posted ones seem to work




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49 minutes ago, gerryatc said:

thanks for updating this so quickly my problem  is not installing it it's finding the download! and trying to pay for it  can you confirm the location please none of the posted ones seem to work

You can't pay for it yet, SimMarket aren't ready. And the link is in the Download Links subforum here, where ALL my stuff is ALL the time!



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