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New mail and name since last buy

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Today I bought V5 and it registered just fine as long as I register only FSUIPC OR WideFS.
This is due to I had another last name and another email back when I bought the WideFS license.

I had a look in the .key-file, and it can handle different emails(widefsadress/fsuipcadress) on fsuipc and Wfs, but I also had my name changed, and it doesent seem it can handle that.

I do need WideFS for my networked setup, so I hope it can be done without having to buy it again.

Else, I just want to say Thank you Pete!

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1 hour ago, NAX said:

I had a look in the .key-file, and it can handle different emails(widefsadress/fsuipcadress) on fsuipc and Wfs, but I also had my name changed, and it doesent seem it can handle that.

No, I'm sorry, but a name AND email change makes a mockery of identifying a person at all, when you think about it.  This is made clear and I think you could have sen this before you purchased, and made sure you used the same SimMarket account as before.

Try making a problem ticket in SimMarket and explain your previous and new name. Maybe they will be sympathentic to a good case.



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I feel like walking on thin ice here, but I have to say something in support of the original poster and in support of legal customers who do something that should be considered normal.

As someone who changed his name (luckily before buying FSUIPC and WideFS) and got new email addresses that match this new name, I'd be interested how SimMarket reacts. I could understand if they need to see the official documents.

But Pete, you might want to reconsider the statement that this is a mockery, this could easily be considered insulting. And I have seen men being mocked and bullied for taking their wife's last name!

The name I had before that wasn't really usable for identification either, because there were three people with that name in the city I live in, and one day I got a call from someone with the same name, stating that he founded a club of people with this first and last name and already has over 60 people from northern Germany who joined. Since that day I hoped that when I marry, I can take my wife's last name, which luckily coincided with my wife's wish to keep her last name :-)

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54 minutes ago, ThomasAH said:

you might want to reconsider the statement that this is a mockery, this could easily be considered insulting.

You are taking it out of context. The purpose of useing name and email was only to identify a unique person. Names aren't enough (as you point out) and emails can change. Until not all that long ago it didn't allow a change of email either.

So, please understand: it isn't personal, it is about the original purpose, of tying the registration to one specific person. FSUIPC and WideFs can be use on any number of machines but only by the registered user -- and that's a more generous license than that for P3D, for instance, where each separate PC install is another purchase.

And it doesn't matter if the name changes or the email changes as long as it is the same person. I've always advised keeping exactly the same registration details no matter what you change, and that will work because neither FSUIPC nor WideFS uses either except to tie the registration.

I'll take a look at enabling the name to be different for WideFS just like the email can be. But it will mean editing the KEY file (it is a text file). I'm not delving into the Registration coding again -- it is very complex and changing things there is error prone.

Leave it to the next update, within a day or two, and I'll allow you to copy the older WideFS key into the KEY file along with the same (previous) name with a title like "NameForWideFS".

(I thought I was doing WideFS users a favour by not calling it WideFS8 and requiring a new key purchase alng with FSUIPC, but it seems I was wrong. That would have been much more straightforward and avoid all this hassle).




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2 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

I'll take a look at enabling the name to be different for WideFS just like the email can be. But it will mean editing the KEY file (it is a text file). I'm not delving into the Registration coding again -- it is very complex and changing things there is error prone.

Leave it to the next update, within a day or two, and I'll allow you to copy the older WideFS key into the KEY file along with the same (previous) name with a title like "NameForWideFS".

(I thought I was doing WideFS users a favour by not calling it WideFS8 and requiring a new key purchase alng with FSUIPC, but it seems I was wrong. That would have been much more straightforward and avoid all this hassle).

Requiring a separate key purchase would solve it for some (maybe even for many), but people still marry, get divorced, get adopted, have a gender reassignment, are forced to drop a letter from their last name because the ex-husband decided to change the transliteration of his name many years after their marriage (yes, this happened to someone I know!), or have other reasons to get a new first and/or last name.

But thank you, allowing the separate name, even if it needs to be manually entered, is a good solution!

Despite all this: FSUIPC and WideFS are definitively worth more than they cost! But some people having to pay more than others just for the reason above wouldn't be good.

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4 minutes ago, ThomasAH said:

Requiring a separate key purchase would solve it for some (maybe even for many), but people still marry, get divorced, get adopted, have a gender reassignment, are forced to drop a letter from their last name because the ex-husband decided to change the transliteration of his name many years after their marriage (yes, this happened to someone I know!), or have other reasons to get a new first and/or last name.

I know, but that's not terribly relevant, because you can still use you old name for all your SimMsarket purchases and registrations. As I've said manay times, the idea is just to tie the registration code to a person, NOT to enable any big brother to track them down and identfy them.



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I'll download and find the work-around.
Is there anywhere else than simmarket it can be downloaded? It seems they havent updated yet

I knew I could rely on you to fix it. Thanks


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I have similar problem, I have FSUIPC4 and WIDEFS for P3Dv3 with name and only first family name but when I have purchased FSUIPC5 the name that Simmarket gave me is with first and second family names

I have sent them a ticket and this is their answer :

thank you for your order and we are sorry you are having an issue with any of the items ordered.
simMarket is only the commercial platform where the product is sold, however your problem seems to be specifically product related and/or of technical nature
Please contact the support addresses listed in the documentation for the respective product.
The support addresses are also listed in the respective product description pages in our shop.

If it is possible to solve the problem with versión FSUIPC 5.101, please tell me where to download it, because I d0n't find it at SimMarket 


Juan  Jose Gómez Prieto

IVAO 142928


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56 minutes ago, beatic said:

when I have purchased FSUIPC5 the name that Simmarket gave me is with first and second family names

Surely the name they use is the name you provide for your account? How do they work out differently?

57 minutes ago, beatic said:

If it is possible to solve the problem with versión FSUIPC 5.101, please tell me where to download it, because I d0n't find it at SimMarket 

You are under a misunderstanding. You won't find ANY of my software on SimMarket. They only sell the Registrations! 

They do provide a link for the current Install package, but that links back to the Download Links subforum here, and it is in there you will find the latest interim updates and lots more useful stuff. The current update is 5.101j but version k will be released by tomorrow morming.



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37 minutes ago, beatic said:

I have downloaded 5.101k versión, but I don't find more than a .dll file and not any Changes document

You must install the main release, 5.10 first, using the Installer. Then just replace the FSUIPC5.DLL module with the update.

The changes since 5.10 are documented in the Download Links subforum. This is always the way with TEST releases, of which there have been 12 in 10 days! The full Changes document will be provided with the next full Installer update, 5.101, early next week.

37 minutes ago, beatic said:

intructions for editing a file in the P3D4 Modules folder.

Ah, for WideFS registration? Sorry, yes, that question is actually being answered on request, here, at present, until the next main release, 5.102. Here's what you need to do:

In the P3D4 Modules file, find and open FSUIPC5.KEY with an ordinary text editor like Notepad. Do not double click on the file, becase REG files change your Registry!

If there are any WideFS lines already there, remove them and add these lines with your registration details, as follows:

NameForWideFS=your registered name
WideFSAddress=your registered email
WideFS=your registration key

I'll put this detail in a sticky thread at the top of the Forum.




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