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Hello Pete ,

As the new PSUIPC5 has become available (thanks for that ) i do face a major problem to

get access to my Simmarrket account because of loss of my password and a request for a new password

generation fails while there is no blocking active on my Windows Live Mail ??

The option " to contact" them seems also impossible because therefore you need your password you don't have .

Making a new account is also not a option because the e-mail already exist ..

So the only way is to ask you if you could pass me some e-mail address to contact someone there to solve this problem

one way or another ...

Best regards ,

Jean Paul




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You posted this exact request twice!!! (I deleted the other).

I cannot pass out private email addresses without permission, and I am certain that would not be given. If you give me your email address I can ask my SimMarket contact. That's all I can do.

Did you forget your password? That isn't "losing" it, so what do you mean by "loss"?



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Hello Pete ,

I am sorry for this to happen , maybe i hit the submit button twice...

Also for my expression for losing it or forget it , its not my mother language and therefore i used losing because of

my password  backups ....

 E-mail address


Thank you in advance for your support

Jean Paul

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