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ModuleUser.lib in 64 bits

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I tried to create a 64-bit update of an existing gauge that uses FSUIPC through the ModuleUser.lib library. The linker failed with unresolved symbol errors on FSUIPC functions that are described in ModuleUser.lib, such as FSUIPC_Open2. The gauge compiles and links perfectly in 32-bit for FSX and P3D before v4, but it seems the inclusion of ModuleUser.lib is ignored in 64-bit mode, probably because it is a 32-bit library.

Does it mean I need a 64-bit version of ModuleUser.lib?
I couldn't find it on the FSUIPC download site and reading other posts, such as the one about PMDG issue, I understand it has not been released yet.
Do you plan to release this lib?

Thank you,


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51 minutes ago, Eric Marciano said:

Does it mean I need a 64-bit version of ModuleUser.lib?
I couldn't find it on the FSUIPC download site and reading other posts, such as the one about PMDG issue, I understand it has not been released yet.
Do you plan to release this lib?

Yes. A "ModuleUser64.lib" is done but untested. I won't have time to make a test DLL for it until I get back off a short vacation in about 10 days time. But I'd be delighted if you'd please try it and let me know (before I go, on Wednesday).

The changed are relatively trivial. You'll need the latest FSUIPC interim update (FSUIPC 5.101m, just released). I will be building a new full release of FSUIPC (5.102) for Monday or Tuesday, latest.

Link to download LIB and all the source: ModuleUser64.zip



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Hi Pete,

Sorry for my first reply, I was too enthusiastic, let me correct:

I jumped on your ZIP file and the linkage still fails with an error I never saw before: fatal error C1007: unrecognized flag '-FitObjData' in 'p2'

Maybe this is because I use VS2010 while VS2015 may be necessary here.

Anyway, there is nothing urgent here, I can wait for your return :)
If you need it, I can even develop a small testing DLL for you.


Edited by Eric Marciano
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9 minutes ago, Eric Marciano said:

the linkage still fails with an error I never saw before: fatal error C1007: unrecognized flag '-FitObjData' in 'p2'

What on Earth is "FitObjData"? 

You have all the source in the ZIP.  There's nothing else goes into the build of the ZIP, so I don't understand any missing flag. Do you see anything there? Are you sure it isn't in your source?

I have no utilities which examine LIB files. I can do DLLs and EXEs, both 32- and 54-bit ones, using different utilities: PExplorer (32-bit only), PEBrowse64 (64-bit only), but no equivalent for LIB files. 



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I don't think it comes from my code because 1) this same code used to work perfectly in 32-bit and 2) this error occurred only when I used ModuleUser64 for linking. I have to go now but I will do some additional tests later today. 

Regarding the testing DLL, how can I provide it to you? As I can't link, should I send you the source code? 


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52 minutes ago, Eric Marciano said:

I don't think it comes from my code because 1) this same code used to work perfectly in 32-bit and 2) this error occurred only when I used ModuleUser64 for linking. I have to go now but I will do some additional tests later today. 

Well, you don't see it it my source either, do you?

Thought: maybe it's some build flag added by VS2015 because of some option I've set, one perhaps not used in VS2010? I'll have to google it and see.

54 minutes ago, Eric Marciano said:

Regarding the testing DLL, how can I provide it to you? As I can't link, should I send you the source code? 

Yes, please. petedowson@btconnect.com.



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I have some good news: I could compile ModuleUser64.c included in my project, so it could link without ModuleUser64.lib and without any problem.

This time I am 100% sure, I have a 64-bit DLL generated. Unfortunately I cannot test it because I don't have P3D v4 yet. I will send it to a friend who has it and ask him for feedback. If you want, I can also send it to you, it is part of my External EasyFMC product (for more information: http://emarciano.free.fr/ExtEZFMC).

Otherwise I can send you the testing gauge I promised, if you can wait one more day :)

We are almost there, I am sure it is going to work soon.


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I have just had a feedback from my friend who uses P3D v4. I sent him the new version of the gauge for External EasyFMC, updated with your ModuleUser64.c source code, and I am sorry to say it doesn't work. He still can't get an FSUIPC connection.

Don't hesitate to let me know if I can help in any way.


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3 hours ago, Eric Marciano said:

I have just had a feedback from my friend who uses P3D v4. I sent him the new version of the gauge for External EasyFMC, updated with your ModuleUser64.c source code, and I am sorry to say it doesn't work. He still can't get an FSUIPC connection.

I sent you an email about 90 minutes ago saying I used your GAUge code and found a bug and fixed it. The updated ModuleUser64.zip available for re-downloading now, works here.



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It works apart from having no gauge displayed. I was only debugging the FSUIPC calling library code and my treatment of it within FSUIPC5 so the lack of a display didn't affect me.

Sorry, I don't have time at present to try debugging anything else. I'm away from Wednesday onwards, for a week, and need to get lots of other stuff done now -- a full release of FSUIPC5.102 this afternoon, and then try to do something with MakeRunways for the new add-on scenery structures.



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