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== Pirated serial keys==

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Dear TOPER customers/users,

after the new activation feature was added to TOPER products a lot of issues arose after using pirated/leaked serial keys. To save us all time and frustration please follow this procedure in order to rectify the problem:

  • You have used a pirated key and that key was blocked
  • You have decided to purchase a legal key, but now you can't change it since the pirated one was already installed on the same machine

What to do?

Please send me the following in a private message or on my support e-mail:

  1. Previously used pirated key and the location where you have obtained it from. If you can't provide me with the source of the pirated key, I can't be of any further assistance.
  2. Your purchase reference number.

Kind regards,

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On 6/15/2017 at 5:28 PM, nixdevelopment said:

Dear TOPER customers/users,

after the new activation feature was added to TOPER products a lot of issues arose after using pirated/leaked serial keys. To save us all time and frustration please follow this procedure in order to rectify the problem:

  • You have used a pirated key and that key was blocked
  • You have decided to purchase a legal key, but now you can't change it since the pirated one was already installed on the same machine

What to do?

Please send me the following in a private message or on my support e-mail:

  1. Previously used pirated key and the location where you have obtained it from. If you can't provide me with the source of the pirated key, I can't be of any further assistance.
  2. Your purchase reference number.

Kind regards,

Hello! hope you are doing well, I have sent an email to you, I am facing some problems and I think you can resolve it, I don't know weather your account is still alive or not but I am sending you this message please answer me as soon as possible.


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On 7/14/2023 at 12:05 PM, TimSteve said:

Hello! hope you are doing well, I have sent an email to you, I am facing some problems and I think you can resolve it, I don't know weather your account is still alive or not but I am sending you this message please answer me as soon as possible.


Please use the support ticketing system.

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