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I have two licenses for WideFS, I accidently bought the second one after a reinstall on PCs etc.  Can you advise if FSUIPC will send data to 2 PCs from the flight sim PC using both licences.  The reason for this is to allow data to be fed into my streaming PC as well as my navigation PC.


Kind regards,




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1 minute ago, bcrawley57 said:

I have two licenses for WideFS, I accidently bought the second one after a reinstall on PCs etc.  Can you advise if FSUIPC will send data to 2 PCs from the flight sim PC using both licences.  The reason for this is to allow data to be fed into my streaming PC as well as my navigation PC.

You can only register WideFS (in the FSUIPC Installer) using one license.

The license is for the SERVER, not the CLIENT. You can have as many client PCs (running WideClient) as you want. There is a limit, but it's quite high. I have up to 12 at any time with my cockpit set up.



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