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conflict with axes in P3DV4

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Sorry to disturb you with my problem and my poor English writing.

I have P3DV3 on my F/ disk, so my new P3DV4 is also installed on my F/ disk. I bought FSUIPC5 , and now i have conflict problems with my axis of my PFC yoke en rudder.

I deleted al the axis in P3DV4, and i have stil the problem.I also deleted the FSUIPC.INI  file of P3DV3 bud no results. Wat could be the problem? I was already surcharging on the forum etc bud could not find a solution.

  • Kind regards.
  • Gilbert.


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49 minutes ago, gilby said:

I have P3DV3 on my F/ disk, so my new P3DV4 is also installed on my F/ disk. I bought FSUIPC5 , and now i have conflict problems with my axis of my PFC yoke en rudder.

There is absolutely no relation between the two different simulators.

Which are you having problems with, P3Dv3 or P3Dv4? And what exactly do you mean by "conflicts"?

49 minutes ago, gilby said:

I deleted al the axis in P3DV4, and i have stil the problem.I also deleted the FSUIPC.INI  file of P3DV3 bud no results.

What is all this switching between P3Dv4 and P3Dv3 got to do with anything?  It makes no sense Talk about them separately. They are separate, not related!

If you are assigning in FSUIPC you must disable controllers in P3D. It is not enough to "delete axes", they will be picked up again.

And if you do things like delete FSUIPC INI files then how are you going to show me what is wrong?

You supply a log only for FSUIPC5, not FSUIPC4. Does that mean all is good in P3Dv3? If so you should be able to use the FSUIPC4.INI from P3D3 in P3D4 after renaming it to FSUIPC5.INI.  And if you show me the other files for both sims I would be able to spot any responsible differences.

The log shows just three devices actually connected:

      796 Device acquired for use:
      796    Joystick ID = 2 (Registry okay)
      796    2=vJoy Device
      796    2.GUID={F9721F10-96BD-11E6-8002-444553540000}
      796 Device acquired for use:
      796    Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay)
      796    1=PFC Cirrus Yoke
      796    1.GUID={352AD440-9656-11E3-8001-444553540000}
      812 Device acquired for use:
      812    Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay)
      812    0=Arduino Leonardo
      812    0.GUID={DE67F590-3F2E-11E7-8001-444553540000}

I don't know "vJoy". It says it's a "virtual joystick" made by Shaul Eizikovitch. I suppose you know about this? It appears to provide 8 buttons and 6 high resolution axes.

You do have a PFC Cirrus Yoke. I assume this is one of the later USB versions which looks like a joystick type device to Windows too?

There's no PFC rudder connected. The only other device is an Arduino.

I have no idea what you have or have not assigned as you didn't supply the INI file with your settings. And I have no idea what your "conflicts" are because you don't say.

Next time, please also supply your settings (the INI file) and also the file called FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv (or FSUIPC4.JoyScan.csv for P3D3), as well as describing what your problem is, and in which simulator.




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Hello Pete,

Thanks for your reply and support, 

The Vjoy is my boeing 737 motorized throttle from cokpitsforyou for PMDG 737-800.

The Arduino is a software a friend of my installed on my PFC rudder pedals because the original  print board was defect, maybe the Arduino software give me the conflict problems?

I tried to send you al the log files you asked me , bud i can not attach them because the size is to big, can i send the files via WE TRANSFER to you?

Once again i am very sorry to send you al my problems!

Kind regards,


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You supplied two copies of the Install LOG which wasn't needed, and an FSUIPC5.LOG which was abruptly terminated before P3D4 had even got to the "ready to fly". stsge. Please, in future, when supplying logs, ket the sim load properly then, as you wish, close down. The full log is only made after you have closed down.

But the JoyScan file also confirmes that your PFC pedals aren't seen. It's as if they are not connected.

Are you sure they are working?

On 7/5/2017 at 10:25 AM, gilby said:

and now i have conflict problems with my axis of my PFC yoke en rudder.

You still haven't explained what you meant by "conflicts" at all. I'm still not understanding what problem you are really reporting.



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My print board of my PFC rudder pedals ware defect, so a friend of my repair the printboard via a soft ware program called ARDUINO.

When i like  to assign the axis of the rudder pedals in  my FSUIPC5 (register)  , i assign f.e the left brake axis, afterwards when i assign my rudder axis, FSUIPC5 shows my every time that the axis is already assigned for the left break, so i have to clear the  axis over an over again to get it assigned as the rudder axis.The same f.e if i like to assign the right brake axis, FSUIPC5 says its already assigned for the rudder axis, so again i have to delete the axis , re scan  etc many times before it accept the right brake axis.

I order now a new PFC  print board  because i suppose the "Arduino" software giving my this problems....

So i let you know when i have the PFC print board if  Arduino  was the problem. 

Once again sorry for sending you my problems , but i like to thank you for your support and reply .

I am a 62 year "old " man from Belgium, so sorry also for my poor English and that i  not have a very good good knowledge about computers!

Also thanks for the great work you are doing for flight simmers via FSUIPC.

Kind regards,



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On 7/6/2017 at 7:13 PM, gilby said:

i assign f.e the left brake axis, afterwards when i assign my rudder axis, FSUIPC5 shows my every time that the axis is already assigned for the left break, so i have to clear the  axis over an over again to get it assigned as the rudder axis.The same f.e if i like to assign the right brake axis, FSUIPC5 says its already assigned for the rudder axis, so again i have to delete the axis , re scan  etc many times before it accept the right brake axis.

The same axis cannot be assigned separately to more than one action. You can assign up to 4 different or similar actions to the one axis, but all that it done on the same tab, in the 4 spaces shown for them on the left.

I think you must mea that when you move the rudder axis (say), one of the brake axes is showing instead of the rudder, or vice versa. If this is what is happening it is because you are (maybe unintentionally) operating a little brake movement when pressing the rudder. If this is so, you need to put your foot lower on the pedal to avoid the brake altogether, or calibrate the brake axes with a dead zone at the start of movement.

If the axes are causing input values to change without you actually touching them, then that jitter shows a dirty pot or maybe a faulty power supply. FSUIPC can be told to simply ignore an axis, temporarily -- that's what the ignore button is for.

On 7/6/2017 at 7:13 PM, gilby said:

i suppose the "Arduino" software giving my this problems....

Possibly, or its programming, but more likely one of the things I state above. I think it much more likely to be down to what you are doing. Please do read the relevant sections of the FSUIPC User Guide very carefully, and expecially the steps to good calibration.



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