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Tower!3d Size of Speech.log file


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Dear team,

I was wondering if it is possible for a user to delete the "speech.log" file in the installation folder. I have the game for a week, played a couple hours and the file is already over 110mb, and it is getting more. Why is it logging everything I say in such detail? 



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4 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

 If you launch the game by using the tower.exe file it wont generate a log.

Thank you, I deleted it. However, I once started the game via the .bat file to record the game.log for another issue, but furthermore only played with the .exe

I'll let you know in case the file gets generated again (without the use of the batch file)




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8 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

Sure, please free to delete it. If you launch the game by using the tower.exe file it wont generate a log.

This is not the case. The speech.log file gets created/updated regardless of how you start Tower. Mine was approaching 1 GB and I very seldom use the BAT file. I deleted the file and started the sim via the EXE and the speech.log file is there - 113KB after issuing one command.

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